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Styles in

P re s e n t e d by : Ro s e l l e O n g

Any artistic expression of reality that is

illustrated but not in its truest form. It is the true
product of radical thought. The subject or point of
the purely abstract painting is the colors used, the
textures in the artwork, and the materials employed
to create it.

this is a kind of abstract which natural

form or condition is twisted or distorted. There
is a misshapen look of the picture presented.
the character or the object being painted is
elongated or extended. This is to emphasized a
certain purpose of the painter.
abstractionism that stressed through the
use of some geometrical shapes such as
cylindrical, triangular, spherical and other
forms at the expense of the other pictorial
the object is presented as cut lacerated
mutilated or hacked. This is not well-used kind
of abstractionism.
In this method the artist has a freedom to
consider his personal style in presenting his subject or
expressing his thought or feeling. There are many
ways in achieving the method of expression.
is a thing or a single that stands for another
thing. A flying dove for instance stands for
freedom. In painting the subject is not visible. A
sign or an emblem represents it.
it is a kind of style or movement in painting
that is characterized by a thick pigment. Fauvism is
usually used to expressed a feeling of joy, comfort or
pleasure through extremely bright colors. A fauvist is
too much concerned on the brightness of the colors.
the word “dada” is a French word meaning
booby horse. It is a protest movement against the
traditional outworn arts and evils in society. Dadaist
artist tries to start outrage to undermine faith and
dependence to an established institution.
it is a style presenting art by fantastic or
incongruous imagery produced by unnatural
combinations. Surreal means intense irrationality or
beyond natural. It emphasizes activities of the
subconscious mind. In other word, surrealism pictures
out image in a form of a dream.
Movies such as Star War, Time Machine and
Terminator picture out something in the future.
The same thing is portrayed in painting. It exalts
success in technology. Subject includes supersonic
trains, jet, modern houses and anything that relates
to the importance of modernization.

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