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• Technical communication is written and oral communication for and about business and
industry. Technical communication focuses on products and services—how to
manufacture them, market them, manage them, deliver them, and use them. Also,
communication is composed primarily in the work environment for supervisors,
colleagues, subordinates, vendors, and customers.
• Technical writing is any written form of writing or drafting technical communication used
in technical and occupational fields such as engineering aeronautics, robotics etc...
• It requires careful planning to create a document that effectively communicates a purpose
and meets the needs of the intended audience
• Technical communication and technical writing are basically the same thing. Technical
communication is a newer term that describes a field that is growing to include additional
skills such as information design, user experience design and instructional design.
• Technical communicators may put the information they capture into paper documents, web
pages, computer-based training, digitally stored text, audio, video, and other media.
• A technical writer is a professional information communicator whose task it is to transfer
information (knowledge) between two or more parties, through any medium that best
facilitates the transfer and comprehension of the information. Technical writers research and
create information through a variety of delivery mediums (electronic, printed, audio-visual and
even touch)
• A technical writers bridge the gap between the mind of a product developer and that of
an end user. They fluently translate what the product is, how it is supposed to function,
and the many features that it can offer to make work more productive. The end result is
always a happy user who has no qualms in getting familiarized with the product and who
can depend completely on the user manual for all the guidance he needs. Therefore,
bringing the user and the developer to a middle ground is what most of technical writing
of a product focuses on.
• On the other hand technical communication is a level of interaction between technical
professionals about the products developed. In a broader sense, it can be defined as the
communication between professionals in the same company or corporate.
• These professionals in the same company or firm are colleagues and hence, there will
always be a general level of understanding of the products being developed in-house.
They need not tone down their terms or language in order to be able to understand
each other.

Some individuals are designated as technical

communicators or technical writers
• Are all technical writers technical communicators?
• Are all technical communicators technical writers?

• At its most basic, communication is the transmission of information in the form

of words, images, and sounds. We string words, images, and sounds together to
make meaning and to share that meaning with others. How we form the “strings”
depends on audience and context. For instance, how we talk, text, or email our
friends and personal acquaintances is usually different than how we communicate
with our bosses or co-workers.
• Ultimately, the goal of technical communication is to transmit important
information as effectively and efficiently as possible—information that allows you
and the people around you to do your jobs well

• How does a technical communications class different from other academic writing
classes. In a traditional academic setting, the writing classroom tends to be about the
demonstration of knowledge—expanding on ideas or documenting an understanding of
traditional types of papers or essays (explanatory, argumentative, reflective) with the
audience being the instructor. In a technical communication classroom, many of the
principles are similar—organizing paragraphs effectively, following the writing process—
but with an increased focus on the professional context for communicating information
and, therefore, even more emphasis on conciseness, clarity, and accessibility

• To make information clear and understandable in order to make business

more productive and consumer goods more convenient.
• Technical communication helps to advance our economy by ensuring
viable research and development , safeguarding design and manufacturing,
and protecting consumers through accurate and informative documents.
• More likely you are writing about business, the products you create, and
the services the company offers- how to develop, advertise, distribute or
use your goods.

• To inform
• To instruct how an object works
• To persuade
• A type of writing that will assist a person with understanding more about a particular
item, such as computer, or a new drug or a piece of technology. Explain how an object
works or how to complete a project

• Technical communication is not journalistic , or creative literature. It does

not use expressive writing, or creative literature. It does not use
symbolism or vague literary references. It’s purpose is not to entertain.
Instead, technical writing is designed to instruct an audience with a
specific goal in mind.
• Technical communication is clear, concise and objective. Even companies
that create products that are not necessarily technical still employ
technical communication to develop, manufacture, market, and explain
consumer goods or services

• The Apple Watch is a smart watch that displays the time and date, runs specially
designed applications and allows the user to access SMSs, instant messages
and emails. The Apple Watch connects to an iPhone and displays data and
messages stored on the phone. The main body of the Apple Watch is an
aluminum square with rounded corners and edges. There is a two piece rubber
strap that is connected to the main body at the top and bottom. The bottom strap
contains a series of holes and the upper strap contains a metal stud which is
used to connect the two pieces together. When laid flat, the overall dimensions of
the Apple Watch are: Length: 42mm Width: 285 mm.

• You know what's sucky about regular flashlights? They only come in
two colors: white or that yellowish-white that reminds us of the teeth
of an avid coffee drinker. What fun is that kind of flashlight? We'll
answer that: NO FUN AT ALL. You know what is fun? Using the
Multi-Color LED Flashlight to cast a sickly green glow over your
face while telling a zombie story around a campfire. No campfire?
Make a fake one with the orange light!

• The goal of the company is to provide information about their product in order for customers
to easily and readily access important information they may need regarding a product such
as a coffee maker

• The readers targeted are people who buy the coffee maker or those interested in buying one
(the manual is available for online viewing).
• Customers who purchase this coffeemaker can use this manual to set up the device, learn
its components, learn how to make good coffee, clean the device, troubleshoot errors, and
contact customer service using the contact information located on the last page

• The manual tells the reader what comes in the box and what the device
can do.
• The manual presumably does not contain misleading information about
operating the device or the functions it is capable of.
• The coffee maker should make coffee and do everything that is listed. If
the device does not perform properly, the customer can contact the
company for assistance and replacements for dysfunctional devices

• The manual is written with simple English.

• The readers can understand the concepts in the manual if they have
knowledge of coffee and the practice of coffee making or if this is the first
time they have ever attempted to make coffee

• The design of the manual includes lots of diagrams that identify

the components being discussed.
• The reader can visualize and compare the images to the physical
device and operate the device using the descriptions of the images.

• The manual is easy to understand due to the clarity and design.

• If the readers have a specific topic they would like to address, they can navigate
using the headers to find what they are searching for. If the information is not
there, a customer service phone number is available.

• Presumably all the instructions are correct and all the information in the manual
are not misleading.

• The manual is available in print in the box with the coffee maker or online.
• This allows readers who have lost their manual to access the information they
need in order to operate the coffee maker

• The manual is short: more or less19 pages.

• The information presented is summarized and clear.
• The organization of the information teaches the user step by step
on how to use the coffee maker.

• The images in the manual look like cartoon drawings and not complex technical
drawings, however, the drawings look professional.
• The information presented is neat.
• Just by looking at the front cover of the manual, the reader knows someone who
knows what they are talking about put together the information for people who
have never used this device before

• The grammar, punctuation, spelling, mechanics, and usage are all

correct and very simple so any reader old enough to buy a
coffee maker understands everything

• The appearance/organization is very professional.

• Images help the user move from step to step without confusion.
• The manual is concise and adequately explains what the targeted
audience wants to know as well as help readers decide if this is the
right coffee maker for them.

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