Lec10 - 11 Z-Transform

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EE2423 Signals & Systems


 The z-transform
 Region of convergence
 Inverse z-transform
 Geometric evaluation of FT from Pole-zero plot
 Properties of z-transform
 Analysis and characterization of LTI systems using
 System function algebra and block diagram

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Some Common z-Transforms
(1)  [n]  1 [all z ]
(2) u ( n) 
 1 
 z  1 
1 z
(3)  u [ n  1]
 1
[ z  1]
1 z
(4)  [n  m]  z m [all z except 0, if m  0,
all z except , if m  0]
(5) n
a u [ n]  [z  a]
1  az 1
(6)  a nu [n  1]  [z  a]
1  az 1
az 1
(7) na nu[n]  [ z  a]
(1  az 1 ) 2

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Some Common z-Transforms (2)

az 1
( 8)  na u [n  1]  [ z  a]

(1  az 1 ) 2
1 aN zN
(9) a [u[n]  u[n  N ]]
 [ z  0]
1  az 1
1  cos wo  z 1
(10) [cos wo n]u[n]  [ z  1]
1  2 cos wo  z 1  z 2

sin wo  z 1
(11) [sin wo n]u[n]  [ z  1]
1  2 cos wo  z 1  z 2
1  cos wo  rz 1
(12) r cos wo n  u[n]
 [ z  r]
1  2 cos wo  z 1  r 2 z 2

(13) r sin wo n  u[n] sin wo  rz 1

 [ z  r]
1  2 cos wo  z 1  r 2 z 2

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 The z-transform
 Region of convergence
 Inverse z-transform
 Geometric evaluation of FT from Pole-zero plot
 Properties of z-transform
 Analysis and characterization of LTI systems using
 System function algebra and block diagram

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 The z-transform
 Region of convergence
 Inverse z-transform
 Geometric evaluation of FT from Pole-zero plot
 Properties of z-transform
 Analysis and characterization of LTI systems using
 System function algebra and block diagram

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 The z-transform
 Region of convergence
 Inverse z-transform
 Geometric evaluation of FT from Pole-zero plot
 Properties of z-transform
 Analysis and characterization of LTI systems using
 System function algebra and block diagram

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 The z-transform
 Region of convergence
 Inverse z-transform
 Geometric evaluation of FT from Pole-zero plot
 Properties of z-transform
 Analysis and characterization of LTI systems using
 System function algebra and block diagram

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 The z-transform
 Region of convergence
 Inverse z-transform
 Geometric evaluation of FT from Pole-zero plot
 Properties of z-transform
 Analysis and characterization of LTI systems using
 System function algebra and block diagram

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 The z-transform
 Region of convergence
 Inverse z-transform
 Geometric evaluation of FT from Pole-zero plot
 Properties of z-transform
 Analysis and characterization of LTI systems using
 System function algebra and block diagram

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Relationship between DTFT and z-
transform I
The Laplace transform exists for a wider The Z-transform exists for a wider class
class of signals than the Fourier trasform of signals than the DTFT
so so
a signal may have a Laplace transform a signal may have a Z-transform and not
and not have a Fourier transform have a DTFT

Laplace transf. x(t) X(s) Z- transf. x(t) X(z)

(only if the Fourier
s=j Transform exists) z=ej (only if the DTFT exists)
i.e., only if s= j  ROC i.e., only if z=ej  ROC
i.e., only if the locus i.e., only if the locus
Re(s)=0  ROC |z|=1 ROC

Fourier transf. X() Discrete-time Fourier transf. X()

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Relationship between DTFT and z-
transform II
 The relationship X ()  X ( z) ze j is true only if the
 region of convergence of X(z) includes the set values of z
 such that that is in fact z  1 z  e
 The locus z  1 is a unit circle centered in (0,0)
E.g. z

x[n]  a nu[n]  X ( z )  for R.O.C. : z  a
 so za
e j
X ( )  X ( z ) z e j  j
e a

 this is true only if z : z  1 belongs to the R.O.C. so only if a  1

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Z-Transform (ZT)

 For discrete-time systems, ZT play the

same role the LT do in continuous-time
Z-transform L-transform
 
F ( z )   f ( n ) zn F ( s )   f ( t )e  st dt
n0 0

z e Ts

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S-Plane to Z-Plane Mapping

z e Ts

Anything in the Alias/Overlay region in the S-Plane will be overlaid on the Z-Plane
along with the contents of the strip between +/- jp/T. In order to avoid aliasing, there
must be nothing in this region, i.e. there must be no signals present with radian
frequencies higher than   p/T, or cyclic frequencies higher than f = 1/2T. Stated
another way, the sampling frequency must be at least twice the highest frequency
present (Nyquist rate).
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Relationship Between z-Transform and Fourier

 X ( z )   x[n]z  of
The z-transform X(z)
sequence x[n] is :
n 

 IfX z( z )= re j , Thus:  

X ( re  )   x [ n ] z
j n
  x [ n ]( re )
j  n
  ( x [ n ]r n )e  jn
  

X ( e ) 
 The Fourier  transform
[ n ]e  j n

of a sequence x[n] is

 There is a close relationship between the

Fourier transform and the z-transform , for r 66 /78
Relationship Between z-Transform and
Fourier Transform
z = ej

Unit Circle



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Inverse z-transform
c  j

f n   

n 1
F z z dz
2pj c  j

 Using the definition requires a contour integration

in the complex z-plane.
 Cauchy integral theorem, residual value
 Fortunately, we tend to be interested in only a few
basic signals (pulse, step, etc.)
 Inspection Method

 Partial Fraction Expansion

 Power Series Expansion

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The ROC as a Ring in the z-plane
The z-transform and all its
Im derivatives must be continuous
functions of z within the ROC
(follow a Laurent series).

r1 X(z) can be represented in a

r2 Laurent (one type of power)
series and a rational function
of polynomial in z.
The ROC of a causal signal is
the exterior of a circle of some
radius r2 while the ROC of an
z-plane anticausal is the interior of a
circle of some radius r1.

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Signal Type ROC

Finite-Duration Signals
Causal Entire z-plane
Except z = 0

Anticausal Entire z-plane

Except z = infinity
Two-sided Entire z-plane
Except z = 0
And z = infinity
Causal Infinite-Duration Signals

|z| > r2
|z| < r1

r2 < |z| < r1

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3.7 z-Transform vs. Laplace Transform

<Laplace-Transform> <z-Transform>

x(t) Analog y(t) x[n] Digital y[n]

e st H ( s)e st zn LTI
H ( z) z n

H ( s)   h( z )e dz
 sz H ( z)   h[ n
n  
] z n

 j
s H ( j), (, ) z  e j
 H (e j ),  (p , p )

s-plane z-plane

Stable : RoC includes Stable : RoC includes

j-axis UC
Causal : RoC Rightward Causal : RoC outward

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(e.g) Laplace-Transform (e.g) z-Transform

e  at 0t T a n 0nM
x(t )   x[n]  
0 elsewhere 0 elsewhere
1  e  ( s  a )T zM  aM
X ( s)  X ( z) 
sa za
 pole : s  a  pole : z  0 ( M  1 fold ), z  a
 
 2p  j 2p
 zero : s   a  j k  zero : z  ae k
RoC : entire s  plane RoC : entire z  plane  0
 pole  zero cancel at s  a  pole  zero cancel at z  0
1   j 1
 
n 1
(inverse) h(t )  H ( s ) e st
ds (inverse) h[n]  H ( z ) z dz
2p j   j  2p j C

C : inside RoC

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