Lesson 1 Knowing Oneself

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1. __________ 5. ________________ 9.____________

2. __________ 6._________________ 10.____________
3. __________ 7._________________ 11.____________
4. __________ 8._________________ 12.____________



13.____________ 17._____________ 21.______________
14.____________ 18._____________ 22.______________
15.____________ 19._____________ 23.______________
16.____________ 20._____________ 24.______________


Most failures emanate from weaknesses
that are not recognized or probably
recognized but not given appropriate
attention or remedy. This could be a
weakness in communications,
personality or ability. Instead of giving
up or indulging in self-pity, take action.
Go for speech lessons, get skills
upgrading, attend personality
development sessions or whatever
appropriate remedies to your perceived
Instead of simply focusing on
your weaknesses, recognize
your own talents and abilities,
build on them, utilize them to
your greatest advantage. This
is where you can build your
name and popularity.
Handicapped people like Jose
Feliciano and other blind singers
did not brood over their physical
handicap. They recognized that
they have a golden voice so they
search for ways to enrich that
talent and now they have won
international fame in the field of
Portfolio Output No. 2: Journal
Reflection from My Banner
Write about your banner.
1. What do you consider as
your weaknesses, abilities and
2. What are the remedies you
will take to improve or
compensate for your weakness?
3. How can you
further enrich your
assets and strengths?
4. Where and how do
you use it to your
best advantage?
Moviegoer feels she has
absolutely no control of
their lives --- except to
comment about it.
Moviegoers are the most
pathetic, miserable people
in the world.
The second is the Actor. This person does
not only watch the movie of her life. She
actually realizes she’s the Actor – and can
control a big part of her life. She can actually
make or break the movie – by how well she
delivers her lines and how she portrays her
character. Actors are a happy bunch,
realizing they’re the start of the show and
enjoy some level of control. But many times,
they wish the movie would end in another
way – but realize that they have no say in
such things.
The third is the Scriptwriter. This
person does not only watch, and
she doesn’t only act, but she
actually creates the entire movie
from her mind. She determines
what she will say, what she will do,
and how the movie will end. She
realizes she has enormous control
over her life, and sees to it that the
movie of her life will turn out
Who are you among these
three people? Do you merely
watch your life go y? Or do
you act out a script that you
feel has been handed to you?
Or do you write the script and
make your life beautiful?
By the way, the
Producer of the movie
is God. He tells you,
“Make the movie
beautiful, and I will give
you all that you need
for success.”
The purpose of journal
writing is to help you
become the Scriptwriter
of your life. There are
four (4) practical
reasons to maintain a
1. It is cost-efficient and available. Emotional
stress can be dealt in many ways like
talking to a friend over a cup of coffee,
eating, travelling, shopping, painting and
many more but writing is the most
inexpensive. Notebook and pens are easy
to find, available and do not cost so much.
2. 2. It is preventive and pro-active. Writing
yields self-awareness. When you write,
you can discover your strengths and
limitations. You will know what your
reactions are in different situations and
what better ways to prevent, avoid, or face
your fears.
3. It is creative and productive. Journal
writing expounds your imagination.
You can see various dimensions of your
problem, different points of view and
better solutions.
4. Lastly, it is personal and private.
Unless you want to share your stories,
you have the choice to keep them to
yourself. Writing is your time alone. It is
your way of loving yourself. You will not
be judged by your writing.
You just need one (1) notebook to
maintain a personal journal. You may
use these questions as you write in your
journal: 1. How do you find this day?
What are the positive things that
happened? What are those things that
made you irritated or upset?
2. As you reflect the ups and downs of
your day, what may be the greatest
lesson you can learn from them? What
actions have you done well and what
actions you can do better?
3. What do you really want in
life? What do you want to
achieve for yourself, your family,
your community, and your
4. As you close the day, what
are the small and big things you
are thankful of? Who are the
people that made your day extra
Processing: Write your
answers in your personal
journal. 1. What have you
discovered in yourself?
2. What are your core
3. What are the qualities you
want to hone and improve

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