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Definition of Terms

Qualified Individual with a Disability- shall mean an

individual with disability who, with or without disability
reasonable accommodations, can perform the essential
functions of the employment position that such individuals
holds or desires.
• Quality Education- a learning process that makes the
individual a better person and prepares him to cope with
rapid social change with appropriate skills and positive
values leading to productive and meaningful life as
responsible citizen.
• Readily Achievable- means a goal can be easily attained and
carried out without much difficulty or expense.
• Factors to be considered include:

1. The natural and cost of the action;

2. The overall financial resources of the facility of facilities involved in

the action;

3. The overall financial resources of the covered entity with respect to

the number of its employees;

4. The type of operations of the covered entity, including the

compositions structure and functions of the work force of such entity;
• Reasonable Accommodations include:

1. Improve of existing facilities used any employees in order to render these

readily accessible to and used by disabled persons.
2. Modifications of work schedules, reassignment to a vacant position, acquisition
or modification of equipment or devices, appropriate adjustments or
modifications of examinations, training materials or company policies, rules
and regulations, the provision of auxiliary aids and services, and other similar
accommodations for disabled persons.

• An integrated approach to physical, psychological, cultural,

spiritual, educational, or vocational measures that create
conditions for the individual to attain the highest possible
level of functional ability.
• Sheltered Workshop- refers to the places with special
facilities for disabled workers, where income producing
projects or homework schemes are available for the disabled
to earn a living and acquire a working capacity required in
open industry.
• Social Barriers- refers to the characteristics of institutions,
whether legal, economic, cultural, recreational or other, any
human group, community, or society which limit the fullest
possible participation of disabled persons in the life of the
Thank you for
listening 
Prepared by:
Abar, Aira Joy B.

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