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The Respiration Process

Breathing is a process by
air is taken into the
lungs and carbon dioxide
is pushed out of the
The Path of Air Inside
the Body
We say that breathing is an
involuntary process because
we do not think about it
when we do it.
This is important to keep us
Breathing involves two parts.
a. Breathing in is called
inhaling or inspiration.
b. Breathing out is called
exhaling or expiration.
When you inhale, you fill your
lungs with air.
When you exhale, you push air
with more carbon dioxide out
of the lungs.
Match column A with column B.
1. where air enters the body a. alveoli
2. The voice box b. lungs
3. The chief breathing organs c.
of the body
4. The air sacs d.
5. Breathing in e.
f. expiration
Effects of Smoking and
Air Pollution on the
Respiratory System
Smoking is very dangerous to one’s
health. It is one of the serious
problems especially among the

Carbon Monoxide is one of the

harmful substances in tobacco
smoke. It is a poisonous gas.
Healthy Lungs vs. Unhealthy Lungs
Cause by Cigarettes
Air Pollution

Air pollution has bad

effects on human
beings similar to
The major sources of air pollution

Different vehicles
Factories using oil
products for fuels
Affecting the
Respiratory System
Common Cold
Lung Cancer
Care of the
Respiratory Syetem
1. Avoid overcrowded and
polluted places. Cover
your mouth and nose
when you are in dusty
2. Have a well-balanced
diet. Eating lots of fruits
and vegetables builds up
your body resistance
against diseases.
3. Have enough rest and sleep.
Rest and sleep suspend all
bodily voluntary activities of
the body, this gives the body
time to repair damaged and
worn-out cells and tissues.
4. Avoid smoking.
Cigarette smoking is
dangerous to your
respiratory system.
5. Avoid direct contact with
people who are infected
with communicable
respiratory diseases.You
may get infected too.
6. Have a regular physical check up.
Consult a doctor right away at
the first sign of respiratory
infection. Use only prescribed
medicines. Taking unprescribed
medicines may lead to further
and serious complications.
Choose the best answer.
1. What do you call the alternate
inhaling and exhaling movements
of the lungs?
a. Circulation c.
b. Digestion d. ventilation
2. What part of our respiratory system
cleans the air we breathe?
a. Larynx c. air sacs
b. Pharynx d. nostrils
3. Which tube in the pharynx leads to the
a. Esophagus c. epiglottis
b. Pharynx d. nostrils
4. Which of the following is not a part of
respiratory system?
a. Nose c. lungs
b. Heart d. trachea
5. Which part of the respiratory system is
considered the chief breathing organs of
the body.
a. Lungs c. bronchial tubes
b. Nose d. windpipe
6. Which of the following is not an ailment
of the respiratory system?
a. Bronchitis
b. High blood pressure
c. Pneumonia
d. Tuberculosis
7. Breathing out is called ___________.
a. Inhaling c. exhaling
b. Breathing d. diaphram
8. _____________ is one of the harmful
substances in tobacco smoke.
a. Carbon dioxide c. carbon
b. Oxygen d. tuberculosis
9. Which of the following should you do to
take good care of your respiratory
a. Eat a well-balanced diet.
b. Avoid smoking.
c. Have a good rest and sleep.
d. All of the above.
10. When you inhale ________________.
a. you do to take good care of your
respiratory system.
b. you fill your lungs with air.
c. you push air with more carbon dioxide
out of the lungs.
d. You are swallowing food.

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