Social Science

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 A flash food is an event that occurs within 6 hours
following the end of the causative event (such as rains,
ice jams, dam breaks) which result in fatalities,
injuries, and/or significant damage to property.
Generally flash flooding events develop rapidly and
can occur anywhere water collects, especially specially
area of steep terrain, and water runoffs. Flash Floods
rarely last more than 12 hours.
 A flood is an event that occurs after 6 hours
following the end of the causative event (rains,
ice jams, or dam breaks) which result in
fatalities, injuries, and/or significant damage to
property. Generally flooding events usually takes
longer to develop and they usually occur along or
near large rivers. The duration of flooding events
may extend longer than 24 hours, perhaps
several days.
 Deforestation which causes soil
 Global warming which are the
melting glaciers.
 Excess of rain fall.


 Four states (Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Tamil
Nadu and West Bengal) and one UT
(Pondicherry) on the East Coast and one state
(Gujarat) on the West Coast are more
vulnerable to cyclone disasters.
 Analysed data for the period 1980-2000 shows
that on an average, annually 370 million people
are exposed to cyclones in India.
Rain water harvesting is the
best method to control
 The 26 December 2004 tsunami significantly affected
the coastal regions of southern peninsula India.
About 8,835 human live were lost in the tsunami in
mainland India, with 86 person reported missing.
Two reconnaissance teams travelled by road to survey
the damage across mainland India. The housing
stock along the coast, as well as bridges and roads,
suffered extensive damage. Structures were damaged
by direct receding waves.
 A seismograph is a device that scientists use to measure earthquakes.
The goal of a seismograph is to accurately record the motion of the
ground during a quake. Good seismographs are therefore isolated
and connect to bed rock to prevent this sort of “data pollution”. The
main problem that must be solved in creating a seismograph is that
when the ground shakes, so does the instrument. Therefore, most
seismograph involve a large mass of some sort. A big mechanical
seismograph may have a weight attached the weighs 1,000 pounds
(450 kg) or more, and it drives a set of levers that significantly
magnify the pen’s motion of seismograph.
A volcanic eruption is one of the most
dangerous and magnificent natural
disaster. When a volcano erupts, the
volcano sends out ash clouds, lava and even
volcanic bombs. There is high risk of
danger from slow moving lava; though, the
lava move slowly, it is very dangerous and
can cause a lot of damage to property and
human life.
 The people should be sure that all breakables
are stored safely, foodstuffs and water are
prepared and big items needed are on the floor.
 Green vegetation like trees surrounding houses
should be pruned regularly or even cut down if
they are in state for damaging property is
disturbed, for example wind.
 Trustful information regarding natural disasters is
always published on the news. Professionals who
relay information to the media always closely
monitors volcanic eruption and hurricanes.
Instructions advice are also given on the emergency
news as to how to prepare safe during occurrence of
natural disasters.
 In the event that the gas or electricity becomes
hazardous, everybody should also familiarize
themselves with turning off the gas and electricity
supply to their houses.
 The originals or copies of valuable certificates
like birth certificates, marriage certificates,
passports, citizenship, etc should not be left
behind in an evacuated house but always
carried on the person in the event that there is
no return.
 Learn how to shut off gas, water and electricity
in case the lines are damaged.
 If power is lost, turn off major appliances and
keep refrigerators and freezers closed
 Check your home for cracks and damage,
including the roof, chimney and foundation.
 A first aid kit is a collection of supplies and
equipment that is used to give medical treatment.
There is a wide variation in the contents of first aid
kits based on the knowledge and experience of those
putting in together, the differing first aid
requirements of the area where it may be used and
variations in legislation or regulation in a given area.
 Bandaging of the head, chest, shoulder, arm,
leg, wrist, elbow, foot, finger, ankle, toes and
 Splinting of the arm, elbow, clavicle, fingers,
hand, forearms, ribs, hip, femur, lower leg,
ankle, knee, foot and toes.
 Moving and rescuing victims including one
and tow person lifts, ankle and shoulder pulls,
and the blanket pull.

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