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History of Stone Age

[30,000 b . c – 2500 b . C]

- Cave painting , fertility ,goddesses , megalithic structure
•Chief Artist & Major Works
-Lascaux Cave Painting , Women of Willendrof , Stonehenge
•Historical Events
-Ice Age ends [10,000 b.c – 8,000 b.c ]; New Stone Age & first
permanent settlement [8,000 b.c – 2,500 b.c ]
7. Magura Cave
Date: 6300 BC – 3000 BC
Location: Bulgaria
Subject: Silhouettes of women, males hunting and
dancing, animals, people wearing masks, plants, tools,
and stars.
Discovered By: Bulgarian Council of Ministers
6. Cueva de las
Manos [cave of hands]
Date: 7000 BC
Location: Argentina
Subject: Outlines of human
Discovered By: European

•In the Patagonian landscape of southern Argentina, Cueva

de las Manos is a cave in an isolated region. It’ll take its
reference from the stenciled outlines of hands of humans;
however, there also are several depictions of rheas,
guanacos, additional animals, and hunting scenes.
5. Laas Gaal
Date: 9,000 BC – 3000 BC
Location: Somalia
Subject: Cows in ceremonial robes that are accompanied by a
giraffe, domesticated dogs, and humans.
Discovered By: French archaeological team
4. Bhimbetka
Date: 13,000 BC to 12,700 BC
Location: Bhopal
Subject: Animals like tiger, bison, wild boar, rhinoceros,
monkeys, elephants, lizards, antelopes, peacocks etc. have
abundantly been depicted inside these rock shelters.
Discovered By: Dr. Vishnu Wakankar/archeologist
•the sceneries
commonly depict
dancing, hunting,
elephant and horse
riders, honey collection,
animal fights, disguises,
decoration of bodies,
masks and various types
of animals.
3. Lascaux Paintings
Date: 17,000 years old
Location: France
Subject: deer, horses, and bulls
Discovered By: Marcel Ravidat
The most famous
painting is Great
Hall of the Bulls in
which deer,
horses, and bulls
are displayed. One
of its bulls is 17’ in
length, the biggest
animal found thus
far in any cave.
2. Serra da Capivara
Date: 23,000 BC
Location: Brazil
Subject: Scenes of hunting and rituals, animals, and trees.
Discovered By: The Clovis people
1. Altamira Cave
Date: 35,600 years ago
Location: Spain
Subject: Ochre and charcoal images of handprints, bison, and
Discovered By: Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola
Venus of Willendorf or Fertility Goddess
The Venus of Willendorf is an 11.1-
centimeter -tall (4.4 in) Venus
figurine estimated to have been
made 30,000 BCE. It was found on
August 7, 1908 near Willendorf, a
village in Lower Austria near the
town of Krems. It is carved from
an oolitic limestone that is not local
to the area, and tinted with red
ochre. The figurine is now in
the Naturhistorisches
Museum in Vienna, Austria
Venus of Dolní,
Věstonice Venus of Brassempouy Venus of Savignano Venus figurines of Balzi

Megalithic Structures
Gobekli Tepe , Turkey Moai ,Easter Island

Dolmens of North Caucasus

, Russia
Yonaguni Monument ,Japan The Olmec Heads ,Mexico

Stone Spheres ,Costa Rica Carnac Stones ,France

Ggantija ,Malta The Unfinished Obelisk of Aswan ,Egypt

Drombeg stone circle ,

Talati de Dalt stone monument in Menorca, Spain Rollright Stones ,England

Carnac Stones , France Callanish Standing Stones , Scotland

Rujm el-Hiri , Israel

Stonehenge , Wiltshire, England

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