Knote App Digital Marketing Strategy Report

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Digital Marketing Strategy for Knote App

Lead Generation Services
How Do We Do It?

0 02 03
SOCIAL MEDIA Includes Advertising GOOGLE Includes AdWords

How many leads does your How many friends do you Are you friends with
Website deliver each week? have? How’s your Google? Do they rank you
reputation? well?

04 05 06

Content creates domain Use eMail to grow your Develop a process that will
authority and delivers customer base and deliver help you convert more leads
important information to the important information into paying customers
consumer market

• Know Audience: It is essential to know our audience and speak to them in the correct voice.

• Age Demographics: Research suggests that the age group 55-75 tends to click more on the paid ads in
search engines while more savvy users between 22-45 tend to click more on organic results.

• Paid User: The digital strategy should be tailored in a way that when the paid ad is clicked the user goes
to a specific landing page. (As per PPC Campaign)

• Organic User: When users click on the organic rankings the SEO strategy should be optimized such that
specific search queries allow the consumer to land on the corresponding landing page within the website.



People who need services related to wedding






25 years old. 28 years old. 60 years old.
Getting married after Getting married after Parents of groom
6 month. She is Doctor 6 month.
& techno savvy person. He is IT Professional.

Anjali is getting married with Rakesh. Anjali is Doctor. she is OBSERVATION

very busy with her schedule. Rakesh found a wedding
app Knote & invite her to join on that app. Using this app
both can discuss & finalize Wedding Invitation & get an Anjali is a bride. She is very busy. She can't get time to get
update on both sides. an update from Rakesh. Rakesh select services & accordingly
share it with Anjali. Now they can be in contact &
discuss everything through app.

Rakesh is an IT professional. He is going to get married to

Anjali after 6 months, But he has a heavy workload in the
office. He is searching for online wedding Invitation services.
Rakesh is very busy person. He need all wedding invitation
He got different services option on the web. But from that
services in one place so he can got all easily through knote
online service list, many were closed or wrong. It takes very
much time to compare between genuine wedding invitation
provider. He also needs suggestion from his parents about
services which he likes. He cant update his parents. While
searching he found Knote app, where he can share wedding
invitation and other information with everyone easily.

Anjali Sharma Anjali Sharma is a doctor. She is getting married. She have very busy week. She is very busy
BRIDE with her patients. She cant give time for shopping or select things for shopping. She try to
do thing online.
25 years old. Getting
married after 6 month.
She is Doctor & techno
savvy person.


• Need maximum options for wedding services. • She is well educated doctor. •She don’t have time.
• Get good price & service fromvender. • She is techno savvy. •Cant contact everyone for the wedding
• Share services with parents & groom • She prefer do things online. invitation.
• Need online services which fulfill her need • Like to adopt new things. •Cant compare with different service
• Need online booking & confirmation • Connect & share thing with friends. provider.
•Don’t have much time to look over
different website and finalize one design.

RAKESH PATIL Rakesh Patil is 28 years old ITprofessional. He is getting married. He is working in M N C
BRIDE company. He have heavy work load in office. He get only weekend for do things.

28 years old. Getting

married after 6 month.
He is IT Professional.


• Search option online. • He is IT professional. •He don’t have time
• Get reliable info. • Very connected with technology. •Not able to finalize one design or is not happy
• Need genuine service providers • Online from office. with the card he has created using online tools.
• Share thing with friends • Very popular with friends •It take lot time to connect & discus with
• Need good quality invitation designs. service providers.

SURESH & MEENA Their son Rakesh is getting married in next 4 months. They need to do arrangements for
BRIDE his wedding but don’t are not physically capable to go at each and every relative place
and invite them personally for the wedding. They are aware with technology but they
don't know how to find online services & approach them.
60 years old.
Rakesh tell them about Knote App. They simply log in & found all invitation portfolio and
Parents of groom.
samples. They get a option to share their views.


• Preparation for the wedding. • Cant invite each and everyone personally.
• Need verified vender options • Well educated old couple. • Not aware how to create a good impressive
• Need different budget options, so they can • Retired government servant. wedding invitation using online tools.
compare • Techno persons.
• Want everyone in the family or friends
to keep them updated with all the
wedding functions.
• Youtube
• Facebook
• Instagram
Marketing • Blog/Article
• Banner Ads (CPV)
• Listing Directories
• Pay per click campaign
• Email Marketing

Should I blog on a
regular schedule?
Blogging seems silly and at times too laborious to deal with. So why
blog? The reason is more simple than you may think but plays a
significant role in the domain authority of your website and how
Google evaluates you as a subject matter expert in your industry.

Blogs are an extra added page to your website, they contain a URL
and each blog article can be optimized like a new website page. By
using the titles of your articles as long tailed keywords and creating
interest in your business by providing useful and helpful information
your daily traffic increases. You can also place strategic call to action
(CTA) buttons in your blog article to encourage people to contact you.
To give you an example, one of our clients has had an article titled
“How much does LASIK Eye surgery cost in India” viewed and read
over 11K times!

Blogging is very important over time.

Creating Blog

When people need help or are looking for something, they do one of two things – seek out a person or a place or browse the internet.
Blogging has come a long way from being a casual online tool for storytelling to an essential element of a digital marketing strategy.

Blogs are a long, short or creative source of information and if there is one thing Google loves, it is loads of valuable information.
Research shows that websites with blogs have 434% more indexed pages. Google recognizes and ranks these websites easily due to the
information provided, ultimately leading to that site showing up on the first page of search results. There in the blog we can let visitors
know directly about creating digital wedding invitation card.
Keywords with Avg. Searches

Keyword Avg. monthly searches

Wedding Invitation apps 7500

How to make wedding invitation online 5000

Wedding invitation apps for android 4200

Digital wedding invitation 8000

Create Indian wedding invitation card online free 1200

Create wedding invitation card online 780

Online wedding invitation cards for friends 1100

Approaching Blog/Articles
L isting
There are lot of Blogs and articles that are mainly intended to provide list of information about particular sort of
B query generated keywords. We will approach these articles to list our Business there and provide
direct URL to our product website.
Youtube Regular Video Posting

We will post regular videos on Youtube and also invest on paid promotion. The same link will be share over other video sharing
platform such as Vimeo, reddit, stumble upon etc with proper title and description such as to reach mass audience.
We need real videos related to our domain capturing all of the moments in a fancy video manner
which will be used for promotion in Youtube.. Please have a look to below demo video.
Engagement Programs on YouTube

Home Page Takeovers Home PageMasthead Home Page ExpandableAds

Contests Brand Channel Gadget

Facebook/Instagram Paid Marketing

We will go for Facebook/Instagram Paid marketing campaigns to get more leads by directly targeting peoples who are
looking for our domain specific related keywords. Below are the type of ads we will use:

1. Business promotion: We will create ad that will represent about our Business where user will redirect to our
page based on how FB let them see the ad according to their interest and search query.

2. Button Promotion: This ad will let user to contact us directly through FB/Instagram ad dependingupon the button.

3. Page Like Promotion: This ad will help us to grow our audience depending on specific ad audience we choose.

4. Facebook Video Promotion: This ad will help us to increase number of video views providing link to our website

5.Post boost: This ad will let us to boost a post according to our targeted location so as to have a wide reach
of audience as created by us.

6.Lead Generation: This ad will let us to get leads directly from Facebook according to our targeted location so as
to have a wide reach of audience as created by us.
We will go for Facebook/Instagram Paid marketing campaigns to get more leads by directly targeting peoples who are looking for
wedding or wedding invitation related keywords. Below are the type of ads we will use:

1. Business promotion:
We will create ad that will represent about our Business where user will redirect to our
page based on how FB let them see the ad according to their interest and search query. See demo of ad below.
3. Page Like Promotion: This ad will help us to grow our audience depending on specific ad audience we choose. See
demo of ad below.
4. Facebook Video Promotion: This ad will help us to increase number of video views providing link to our website store. See
demo of ad below.
5. Post boost: This ad will let us to boost a post according to our targeted location so as to have a wide reach of audience as
created by us.
6. Lead Form: This ad will let us generate direct leads from Facebook and Instagram according to our targeted location and audience
we have created.
The Contest

Contests are a great way to increase

engagement and Likes on Social Media.
Growth through regional content and regional ads

Hindi and Kannada Content Has Been Growing Faster Than English Content, and this is likely to increase even further in 2019. This is
not only the case for content but also advertising. if you looking to reach a wider audience, especially in the Tier II And III Cities, then
using regional content is a must.

Goo& Otherng

Sometimes it just makes sense to advertise yourself right to the top of the
page, or right in the middle of a social timeline. It’s all about the cost
effectiveness, AdWords or Facebook done right can get you lots of new

How we setup and manage your online advertising:

• Setup your business account and dashboard

• Create your campaigns, audiences and ad sets
• Design the ads and get ready for delivery
• Manage weekly and report back to you

If you know how to create and deliver results from AdWords, Facebook,
Instagram and others the results can outpace the costs.

Display ads help in gaining visual impression to a brand through third party sites. These are similar to Google ads but
the only difference is that they are cost effective and here the ad position remains same. These sites or portals are mainly third
party sites who serves a common purpose depending on their domain.
Google Display Ads

Display ads help in gaining visual impression to a brand through Google partner sites based on the user search history, demography
and website he or she visits.
Search Engine Marketing

Search engine marketing mainly termed as Pay per click campaigns is the most effective ways to grow business in an increasingly
competitive marketplace. We must go for SEM PPC campaigns for some of our Keywords go get good number of Leads in small span
of time.
Social Media

» Get ready for reviews

» Get found!
» Over 40%of consumers say that information found via social
media affects the way they deal with their day to day life
» 90%of respondents ages 18-46 said they would trust
information shared by others on their social media networks**
Targeting Quora (See Example)
Target Third Party Facebook / Instagram Pages

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