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Asking about Families

Careen : Tell me about your brother and sister sue…

Susan : Well my sister works for government.

Careen : ohhh what she do?

Susan : I’m not sure she’s working on a very secret project right now…

Careen : waooow .. How about your brother?

Susan : He’s a wildlife photographer.

Careen : that interesting family, can I meet them?

Susan : uhhh no my sister’s away. She’s not working in the united states this month.

Careen : and your brother?

Susan : He’s travelling in the amazon.

Cathrin : so what about your parents Rita? Where do they live?

Rita : They live in Texas.

Cathrin : ohh we’re in Texas

Rita : In Austin it’s a small city but it’s very nice.

Cathrin : Are they still working?

Rita : ohh yess my mother is teaching at the University there and my father is a carpenter.

Marcos : How many Brother and sister do you have Meili?

Meili : I’m only child.

Marcos : Really?????

Meili : Yeahhh most families in China have only one child nowdays.

Marcos : I didn’t know that.

Meili : How about you Marcos?

Marcos : I come from big family. I have three brothers and two sisters.

Meili : wow is that typical in Peru?

Marcos : Not really a lot of families are smaller these days but big families are great because you get lots
of birthday presents
Marcos : Do you like being an only child?

Meili : of course, I get all my parents attention.

Marcos : yeahh I share my parent attention with live other people.

Meili : But sometimes I want a brother or a sister.

Marcos : do you ever feel lonely?

Meili : Sure but it’s okay I have lots of friends

Famous people

Shalty : Look at this picture of Michael Dauglas, He’s my Favorite actor.

Tomy : Yeah I like his movies. Is that his wife?

Shalty : Of course that’s Catherine Zeta-Jones .

Tomy : ohhh right, she’s so beautiful and a terrific actress.

Shalty : they make a nice people

Nice people

Mother : Cindy cindy..

Cindy : Sorry mom that’s my favoriy song. Do you know Enrique Iglesias?

Mother : You mean Julio Iglesias? Of course he’s one of my favorite singers

Cindy : no no Enrique Iglesias. Julios is his father.

Mother : oh no I don’t think I know him

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