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• A catenary is a curve that occurs when a chain of uniform weight is allowed to hang. The word comes from the
Latin language , “catena = chain.”
• Link between Mathematics :
• This curve is used in Mathematics in representing a
particular shape or situation.
• There are 3 type of curve used for representing a
situation. Which are :
• A. parabola
• B. trigonometric sine curve
• C. catenary curve
• Origin : Galileo was the first person to study a catenary. He analysed hanging rope between 2 vertical supports
creates a curve which is catenary but he misunderstood this as parabola instead of catenary.
• Christiaan Huygens in 1690 corrected Galileos analysis and used the word catenary to address.
• Inverted catenary : this inverted catenary is used in architecture and engineering as its an ideal shape for arches,
which also shares few physical properties of arches such as self supporting.
• Functions :
• The catenary function is a great example of how art, architecture, mathematics and history can be overlap. It
creates an opportunity to motivate students to explore a new idea using an interdisciplinary approach.
• This shape avoids the risk of collaps under the weights as the shape offers an optimal balance between the
diameter and height.
• Importance in engineering and architecture :
• This shape gave rise to an idea of creating suspension bridges, where it plays a key role of uniformly distributing
loads across the bridge span rather than uniformly distributing the loads along the cable.
• a catenary arch with uniform thickness and density is one of the strong curve which can be applied in designs.
• Application :
• This form in now a days been used in different field. It used in the bridges, fences, buildings, boats, chains, tables,
shoes etc..,
• Examples :
• The best example for catenary in nature is , The spider web which is joined to two long silk webs.
• In architecture : 1. arches in Casa Mila, 2.Marquette Plaza, 3. Kingdom Towers, 4. Dulles International Airport etc
• In engineering : 5. golden bridge, 6. gate way arch etc..
• A vault is an arch-shaped structure, used to provide a space with a ceiling or roof
• Its used as the ceiling of a room or a enclosed space, or as the roof of a building, or as the support for a ceiling
or roof.
• This can be constructed with stone or brick or concrete.
1.Barrel vault, tunnel vault, wagon vault, cradle vault
2.Pointed barrel vault, pointed vault, Gothic vault
3.Rampant vault
4.Conical vault, expanding vault
5.Cloister vault, domical vault
6.Pointed cloister vault, domical vault
7.Groin vault, cross vault,
8.Pointed groin vault,pointed cross vault
9.Dormer vault
10.Trough vault
11.Coved vault
12.Segmental vault

A, B bay
C web, cell, severy
D principal arch
E transverse arch
F wall arch


• These vaults when built with stone or brick, they are cut into wedge shapes called voussoirs.
• A vault is a self supporting structure.
• The shape of the stone needs the arch in shape by pressure of neighbouring pieces.
• A compressive pressure acts in the entire vault.
• A vault is a combined pressured component.
• It transfers the upper or central loads to the bottom members axially.
• any arch in vault exerts an outward pressure at its base, so it should be constructed in such a way to withstand
the outward as well as the downward thrust of the arch.
• This construction can be made by using strong, heavy walls to support the arch or by supporting the walls with
exterior structures, or buttresses.
• A vault does not become self-supporting until the central keystones are put in placed.
• The construction of vault should start from the bottom to top.
• Barrel-vaulted ceilings can give a royal impression to any room.
• The barrel ceiling is made up of a continuous set of arches that bridge the length greater than 24 inches.
• When choosing a barrel ceiling, you can opt for a soft, half-circle, or an elliptical arch, depending on your choice
and the style desired in the room.


• Sangath, Ahmedabad, game pavilion at CEPT, ahmedabad
• Catenary :

• Vaults
• http://the-mind-of-

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