ICT National or International Policies

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ICT National or

Report by:
Kristian Z Cuales

Presented to:
Dr. Ma. Fe P. Popes
Assoc. Prof II
The broad policy objectives of the National ICT
policy are detailed below by the areas of focus:

1. ICT Infrastructure – To provide

universal access to electronic
information and communications.
2. Education - To foster the use of ICT in education
to develop human capacity, enhance
competitiveness, modernize the teaching and
learning environment, facilitate equity of access, and
to develop individuals who are capable of
functioning effectively in a technologically driven
3. Health – To enable greater
equity in the allocation and use
of health care resources by
exploiting ICT.
- enabled mechanisms to promote quality health
care delivery and management.
4. Community Development and Social Services – To
improve the quality of life and social well being of the
community through various programmes that would
enable the use of ICT for future challenges and
technological advancement.
5. Business – To promote economic development
through the use of ICT and ICT professionals.
6. Agriculture - To enable effective and efficient
supply chain management (from production to sales
and marketing) through the use of ICT and thereby
promote the economic viability and sustainability of
agricultural related activities.
7. Government - To establish a suitable institutional
framework within the Public Sector to facilitate the
adoption of a common ICT infrastructure and
architecture within government and promote ICT as
an enabler to Public Sector.
- Modernisation, social
advancement and economic
growth. In addition,
strengthening national security through the
smart and strategic use of ICT,
development of coordinated cyber security
mechanisms and improve processes and public
sector administration.
8. Tourism -To improve the overall coordination of the
marketing and other tourism management functions,
through the use of ICT and thereby enable the
sustainable development of the sector.
Lucia, S., (Jan 2013) National ICT Policy and
Strategy, Policy Objectives, 7-8.
Safety Issues With

 The general working environment must
 always be a safe place to perform tasks,
 especially when it requires the use of ICT.
 The grade of safety in trhe environment will
 determine the time that hardware and
 equipment will endure, as well as the
 success od the tasks performed.

- Provide information about the common
problems in the general working
- Provide measures that can help to prevent
accidents during the use of ICT.
 Laws have been passed to ensure that employers
provide a safe working environment for anyone who

works with computers. This is called the 'Health and
Safety at Work Act (1974).
 The law states that an employer must:
 Provide tiltable screens
 Provide anti-glare screen filters
 Provide adjustable chairs
 Provide foot supports
 Make sure lighting is suitable
 Make sure there is sufficient space for people to work
 Train employees how to use work stations correctly
 Ensure employees have sufficient breaks
 Pay for regular eye sight tests for anyone who needs
prescription glasses in order to use the computer.
 Computer equipment is often connected to lots of

cables: power, network, etc.
 If these cables are laying on the floor, they can cause
people to trip over them
 Solution: Place cables inside cable ducts, or under
the carpet / flooring
 If any liquids are spilt on electrical equipment, such

as a computer, it can result in damage to the
equipment, or an electric shock to the user.
 Solution: Keep drinks and food away from
 Plugging too many power cables into a socket can

result in the socket being overloaded, overheating,
and a fire starting.
 Solution: Never plug too many cables into a socket.
 Always make sure there are fire extinguishers nearby
 The security of the investment in
technological 
equipment requires a
environment able to provide the proper
measures to protect it form possible damage.
The measures to protect the equipment also
have to seek for the security of the user and
the organization of data and resources , in
order to obtain the maximum advantage of
the ICT.

Romero, S. (2012, Mar 20) Safety Issues with ICT.
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