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Adult Immunization


Step by step tutorial

Step 1. Go to Electronic Medical Records.
Step 2. Open the patient for Adult Immunization
and click Add new consultation.
Step 3. Select Nature of Visit to New Consultation
and Check Adult Immunization and the input the
other data.
Check Yes for patient consent and click
submit button.
You will be direct to consultation details.
For Basic Services accomplished all available information. Click Adult
Step 4. Click Add New Adult Immunization.
Select what Immunization been given to the
Patient then Click Submit
For example Flu Vaccine input the immunization
date and time then click Submit.
You can Add again if the other vaccine where
given the same date.
Contact Information
Email address:

System support technician

Ivan Carlos: 0920 - 625 - 5699
Enrico Jacinto: 0945 - 205 - 3522

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