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Submitted to

prof. Usman
Basic concept of Islam and
Submitted by
BS Chemistry B
Group 5
Names Roll no
Ayesha tahir 89
Tehreem Razia 83
Sundas khan 68
Areeba Ashiq 81
Zakia bano 63
Ayesha Tahir
Roll no: 89
• The basic Islamic concept is that the
entire universe was created by God,
whom Islam calls Allah and who is the
Lord and sovereign of the Universe. He is
the lord of the universe which He alone
Seven hundred and fifty verses of Quran exhort
believers to study nature:

“verily in the creation of the Heavens and of

the earth, and in the alternation of the night
and of the day, are there sign for men of
understanding . They who standing, sitting or
recycling, bear Allah in mind and reflect on the
creation of the Heavens and of the Earth
saying: ‘Oh our Lord! Thou has not created this
in vain.” (Qur’an 3:189-190)
Zakia Bano
Roll no 63
Qur’an contains following verse regarding the origion
of universe
“Do not the unbelievers see
that the heavens and the
Earth were joined together
(as one unit of creation),
before we clove them
asunder?” (Qur’an 21:30)
According to big bang:

 The whole universe initially

one big mass.
 Then there was a big bang
whish resulted in the
formation of Galaxies
 These then divided to form
star, planets, the Sun ,the
moon, etc.
Sundas khan
Roll no 68
• “He has set free the two seas meeting
together . There is a barrier between them.
They do not transgress.
(Qur’an 55:19-20)
The Mediterranean sea water enters the Atlantic
over the Gibraltar sill with its own warm , saline,
and less dense characteristics, because of the
barrier that distinguishes between them.
Temperature are in degrees Celsius.
Areeba Ashiq
Roll no 81
Health Benefits of every aspects of
 The voluntary clenching
of the hands, blood flow
is increased in the hands
area and in the brain.
 Various muscles are
exercised with the
recitation of verses from
the Qur’an.
 Bowing (Ruku) is done
by forward movement
of the backbone .
 The unique position of
Ruku has positive
effects on the back
muscles. The back
muscle contract
actively and they
become stronger.
Tehreem Razia
Roll no 83
 Good effect on
memory, vision,
hearing, concentration,
psyche and all other
cognitive abilities.

 Neck muscles get best

Jalsa and Qaida
 It has good Effect upon
memory, vision,
hearing, concentration
and all other cognitive

 The neck muscles get

best exercise.
Presence of scientific facts in Qur’an is
not a coincidence
“soon we will show them Our signs in
the (furthest) regions (of the Earth), and
in their own souls, until it becomes
manifest to them that is the Truth. It is
not enough that thy Lord doth witness
all things?”
(Qur’an 41:53)

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