2018-10-29 Wooden Architecture Presentation1

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Chongqing University

Graduate Program
In Architecture

in Syria
Wood is obviously both a common and a historical choice as a building material. However, in
the past few decades, there has been a move away from wood in favor of engineered products
or metals like aluminum.
While the desire to not rely on the world’s forests for building demands is well-intentioned, the
advantages of wood as a building material still outweigh other products on the market when
looking at the environmental impact and performance.
Traditional Uses of wood
in Syria
Syrian oriel

Wooden balconies, Ottoman architectural style, in Aleppo,

Ajami ..
Al-Ajami is an ancient art of Damascene origin used in decorating
houses and palaces to give the authentic oriental character. The
most important characteristic of this art is the plant material,
Al-Ajami is executed on a polished wooden panel with double-
sided and different sizes according to demand. The craftsman then
prints the vegetal or geometric form he wishes on the wooden
Wooden ceilings
and walls
Wood (poplar) with gesso relief, gold and tin leaf, glazes and
paint; wood (cypress, poplar, and mulberry), mother-of-pearl,
marble and other stones, stucco with glass, plaster ceramic
tiles, iron, brass

typical of the late Ottoman period in Damascus, Syria.

Thank you

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