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Science, Technology and

Imperialism: China
and Beyond
What is Imperialism?
◦a policy of extending a country's power and
influence through diplomacy or military force.
◦rule by an emperor.
Treaty of Nanking(1842)
◦Peace Treaty signed on August 29, 1842,
representative of Britain and China.
What did the British gain?
1. They acquired possession of Hong Kong.
2. 5 new ports were open for unrestricted British trade:
Guangzhou, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Ningbo, and Shanghai.
3. Although most of the damage was done by the British,
China was forced to pay for all the war costs
4. The British were given the right to directly communicate
with Chinese officers.
◦British representative Sir Henry Pottinger and
Qing representatives signed the treaty, which
consisted of 13 articles that were ratified by
Queen Victoria and Daoguang Emperor.
The Effects of Treaty
◦This treaty effectively started the change in maritime
trade because the closed trade system opened up 5 ports.
◦At first it changed British trade routes and then later
ended the old Canton System of trading.
◦Later they created a new rules for their foreing
relationships policies. This resulted in Hong Kong being
one of the biggest trade cities.
◦The Treaty of Nanking ended the first
opium war in August 29, 1842.
Monetary decisions were made:
◦Britain made China pay an indemnity
of money as a result of the Opium war
Political Effects:
◦Britain forced China to cede Hong Kong
◦Agreed to established a fair and reasonable
tariff for trade
How does it connect to Imperialism?
◦The Treaty of Nanking led to the ending of the Opium war
which was a major factor of Imperialism.
◦Once the first Opium war was ended by the Treaty of
Nanking, Britain became more powerful in social, political,
and economical factors during this time period.
◦Such things involved in China paying indemnity to Britain,
more reasonable tariffs were established, and the British
gained rights in China that China would give to any other
country but Britain.

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