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Abandoned by his own mother.
Always criticized and insulted for his low
status over and over again.
Cursed to forget all his knowledge by
his own teacher - Parshurama .
True heir to the throne.
Donated his Kavach and Kundal.
Chose to keep his words.

At the right moment, before the war

began, Indra showed up as a Brahmin
and demanded the protective gear as
donation from Karna. Pleased with the
donor’s generosity, Indra handed over
amogh shakti (a weapon that won’t
miss its target) as boon to the donor.
Once, Arjuna asked Lord Krishna why he called
Yudhishtira, Dharamaraj, and Karna, Daanveer. To
answer this question, Krishna disguised himself and
Arjuna as Brahmins and decided to visit both the kings.
On visiting Yudhishitra, they asked for sandalwood to
cook food. It was raining heavily at the time, and
Yudhishitra couldn’t find dry sandalwood suitable to be
used as a fuel. He apologised to both of them, and they
returned empty handed.
A little later, they went to Karna and asked for the same
thing. Karna searched everywhere for dry sandalwood
but failed. But he did not let the Brahmins go home
empty handed. He picked up his bow and arrow and
destroyed the doors made of sandalwood. This, he
gave to Krishna and Arjuna.
 Lord Krishna asked Karna how he knew that the Pandavas would win the war, to
which he replied, "Kurukshetra is a sacrificial field. Arjuna is the Head Priest, you
-Krishna are the presiding deity. Myself (Karna), Bhishma Dev, Dronacharya and
Duryodhana are the sacrifice.’ Krishna ended their conversation by telling Karna,
‘You are the best of the Pandavas.’
 Duryodhana lost his 99 brothers in the Kurukshetra war, but he cried his heart out
only at the death of Karna, his best friend. It is believed that Duryodhana lost all
interest to fight the war after the death of Karna.
 Karna’s wife Vrushali committed sati on the funeral pyre of Karna.
 Karna had already acquired Brahmashtra mantra from Parshurama by
 Kunti requested Karna not to kill any of his young brothers i.e. Pandava princes in
the war; Karna obliged his mother’s request by telling her that he’d only kill Arjuna
and no one else.
 According to a legend, Draupadi had a secret liking for Karna. 

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