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Helping you write a Business Proposal Letter

Calais, Ryan Nico

What is a Business Proposal Letter?

■ A proposal letter is written by an individual, group of people or organization for

proposing something. As the letter is written to request something it is written a very
sweet and polite manner. Also the language found in these types of letters is formal.
■ A proposal letter generally consists of all details about the need for proposal. Also
the details should be written well in a precise manner. To know more about how to
write a proposal letter you can have a look at the below mentioned sample.
Format the Letter

■ Format the letter correctly. Write on letterhead with your name, address and other
contact information centered at the top. If you do not have letterhead, type your
name and address in the upper right corner of the letter. The recipient's name and
address should be two lines down from your address and in the left corner. Place the
date either centered beneath the recipient's address or on the right side on the line
below the recipient's address.
Address the Recipient

■ Begin your letter with a formal greeting using the proper title of the recipient. Proper
titles include Mr., Ms. and Dr. Do not address a woman as Mrs. or Miss unless she
has explicitly told you to do so. The greeting should be followed by a colon so that
your greeting looks like this: "Dear Dr. Smith:"
Provide Background Details

■ Provide any background information in the first paragraph. For example, if you're
following up on a meeting, briefly discuss the topic of the meeting. If you're
submitting a proposal, give a brief summation of the proposal in the first paragraph.
This can help your audience understand complex proposals.
State Your Purpose

■ State clearly and succinctly the goal of your letter and your requested next action.
When writing a proposal, provide clear details that do not add extraneous
information. A proposal for a business arrangement, for example, should give the
basic terms of the proposal. You should also incorporate any relevant statistics or
facts into your proposal. Proposals are stronger and more compelling when they are
grounded in research or real-world experience.
Request a Followup from the Recipient

■ If you're asking for specific action from the recipient – such as a refund or an
extension of a deadline – state this in the final paragraph. If the proposal confers
any potential benefits to the recipient, be sure to state this. A person requesting a
refund from a business might emphasize that this refund would encourage her to
patronize the business in the future.
Close the Letter

■ Close the letter by thanking the person for his consideration and encouraging him to
contact you if he has any questions. The letter should close with a valediction such
as "Sincerely" or "Yours truly" followed by a comma. Type your name a few lines
below the valediction and sign your name above your typed name.

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