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Prepared by:
Abordo, Maria Paula Lyn L.
Aure, Lyza Lour N.
What is Product Comparison?
The process of comparing
two similar products
before deciding which one
to buy
Why do we need a product

• It helps the consumer to make a

right choice

• You can easily compare and evaluate

product features
Why do we need a product

• It allows the seller to contrast its

own product with competing
products in the market

• emphasize the unique aspects that

make its product superior

• sellers may gain a competitive

advantage by demonstrating why
their products are unique.
Important Features:

Name of the Products



Reviews (if possible)

1. Create a list of competing products
- determine which products compete directly in
the same marketplace as your product.
2. Undertake research
-using the product will give you the ability to test
the product features and determine if the
features are useful
3. Create a Product Comparison table
- the features of each product for each
competitor are listed and compared.
4. Conclusion
-suggests which product is better for specific
groups of people based on their circumstances.
Graphic Illustration:

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