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Atomic Number: 95
Atomic Weight: 243
Melting Point: 1449 K
(1176°C or 2149°F)
Boiling Point: 2284 K
(2011°C or 3652°F)
Density: 13.69 grams per
cubic centimeter
Phase at Room
Temperature: Solid
Classification: Metal
Period Number: 7
Group Number: none
Group Name: Actinide
Radioactive and
Artificially Produced
Glenn Seaborg, Albert Ghiorso,
Ralph James and Tom Morgan
discovered americium, as well as
curium, in 1944 during their work
at the wartime Metallurgical
Laboratory at the University of
Chicago (now known as Argonne
National Laboratory), according to
a 2008 article in the Bulletin for
the History of Chemistry by Keith
Costecka, an American chemist
and environmental scientist.
The researchers produced the
Electron Shell Configuration: synthetic element by bombarding
1s2 plutonium-239 with neutrons to
2s2 2p6 create plutonium-240, and then
3s2 3p6 3d10 again to create plutonium-241.
4s2 4p6 4d10 4f14 The plutonium-241 then decayed
5s2 5p6 5d10 5f7 to americium-241. Americium is
6s2 6p6 the third synthetic transuranic
7s2 element and the fourth to be
Facts about Americium:
-There are many benefits of Americium,
including for smoke detectors, portable
source of gammarays, radiography,
ionization of radiation, gauge for glass
thickness, and flat glass.
-The origin name of Americium is aimed to
honour America
-Bombarding plutonium with neutrons is the
sources of Americium.
-Approximately, 7.370 years is the longest
half life of Americium.
-The color of Americium is a silvery-white.
- Isotopes of americium have high rate of
nuclear fission and low critical mass.
-Outside its advantages, Americium also has
disavantages. Americium belongs to toxic
element. That is why we have to be careful of
it due to it is very harmful. Besides, it can
cause health effects such as damages cells,
cancer, or even death.
-Nuclear Reactor is a device to bombard
elements by neutrons and form new
elements. That is why nuclear reactor is used
for producing Americium.

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