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Health and diet

Wheat history

 10000 years back.

 Hunters and gatherers…noticed this grass, grain which animals eat.
Wheat history

 Leaned how to grind it down

with stones and eat.
 Wild wheat. – Eincorn 14
 All of us have 46
 Plants can mate with others
and have polyploidy.
 Emmer – mated with wild
grass. 28 chromosomes. 6000
years ago.
Wheat history

 Triticum in the middle ages – 42 chromosomes.

 Now lets go to 1960
Norman Borlaung
1960 – population explosion

 New ways to increase crop yield.

 Shoulder height.
 Repeatedly mated wheat with different strains and other grasses.
 Thousands of genetic experiments.
 Life magazine, 1970. Nobel peace prize.
 Seed heads big. 15 times more per acre.
 Now the wheat crop is short.
Expose wheat seeds to sodium
 Very toxic.
 Induces mutations.
 High dose x rays.
 Choose my
 It is just not about gluten.

 Gluten (Gliadin + glutenin)

 Schizophrenics: take wheat away, they got better.
 Gliadin enters the brain. Acts as an opiate.
 Appetite stimulation
 Naloxone reduces food intake in normal subjects.
What does wheat do to blood
What happened to weight over the
Wheat germ agglutinin

 Immunity.
 Lectins in plants.
 Lectin of wheat.
 Ricin
 Wheat germ agglutinin – give it to a rat.
 Destroys the small intestine.
 Gliadin disrupts the intestines. Allows foreign substances to the blood
including WGA.
 Bowel inflaamation, ulcerative colitis, joint inflammation, asthama,
inflammation in brain and thyroid.
Are lectins bad for you?
Revenge of the Beans: How Lectins
Suck Your Energy And Make You

 Attaches to fat cells – asking it to convert

sugar to fat all the time.
 Attachesto muscle cells – muscle cannot
get glucose. So muscles waste.
 Bindsto nerve cells, no glucose enters the
brain. Dementia and parkinsons happen.
What happens when we take it
 Wheat is in everything?
 You cant just have one.
 Weight loss, dramatic!
 Blood sugar reduction.
 Reduced food obsession.
 Reduced inflammation.
 Reduced blood pressure.
 Better lipid profiles.
 Increased energy, improved sleep.

 Diabetes
 Obese
Types of Hunger

1. Thirst
2. Nutritional
3. Empty stomach
4. Emotional
5. Low blood sugar
6. Variety
Empty stomach
Low blood sugar

 Human evolution 5 – 6 million years.

 Dairy last 7000 years.
 99.8% of our history we managed well without milk.
 Milk is species specific. Cow’s milk is loaded with fat, protein, calcium
and growth hormones.
 Antibiotics and growth hormones given to the cow.
 Mastitis: White cells or pus cells present in the milk. Whiteness of the milk
is supposed to be due to the white blood cells.
 SCC: should be less than 750,000/ml. So legally a 250 ml glass of milk will
have 180 million white blood cells.
 New York: average SCC was 363,000/ml and bacteria were 24,400/ml.
Milk consumption has been linked
 Ovarian cancer
 Prostate cancer
 Diabetes
 Lymphoma
 Osteoporosis
 Acne
 Crohn’s disease
 Leukemia
 Lung cancer

 Where did we get our calcium before dairy came along?

 How much do we really need?
 Is milk a good source of calcium?
How much calcium?

 Human milk calcium levels are much lower. Cow’s milk

contains 431% of the calcium than human milk.
 BMJ, 2001 paper – excess calcium is associated with an
increase in incidence of hip fracture.
 International rates of hip fractures are high where milk
and calcium consumption is high.
 Neither milk nor high calcium diet reduces risk of hip
fracture and that adequate vitamin D is associated with
a lower risk of hip fracture.
Bantu women
 Average of 9 children, breast
feed each for 2 years.
 Don’t have calcium deficiency,
don’t break bones, and
consume only around 350 mg
per day.
 US FDA says 1000 mg RDA,
Japan RDA 600 mg.
 Eating too much animal protein
including milk can cause you to
lose too much calcium.
 Animal rights.
2000 years ago – mutation in cows

 Casein A1 in the milk instead of casein A2.

 Digestion – casein A1 converts to Beta casomorphin.
 Attaches to beta cells in pancreas and mounts an autoimmune
response – diabetes.
 If you have to consume milk, take the Casein A2 milk.
 Alternatively use goat milk or buffalo milk.
Brain function

 Blocks neurotransmitters in the brain.

 Memory loss.
 Addiction
Pancreatic failure

 Diabetes
 Dr Anil Singhvi
Manas Bhavan, 1st Floor, RNT Marg, Indore.
Phone 9425066266.

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