Berenice by Edgar Allan Poe

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■ "Berenice" is a short horror story by Edgar Allan Poe, first

published in the Southern Literary Messenger in 1835.
this book is based mainly in Berenice
and Egaeus, they were cousins and
they got married.

they were different people, Egaeus

was embittered for his thoughts, He
didn't enjoy from details of life and
always be in the library. But Berenice
was the opposite she was so beautiful
and happy person
It was the reason that Egaeus
admired to Berenice all the
time but it stopped when an
illness became to Berenice,
she changed a lot, and the
unique that wasn't changed
was her teeth, so Egaeus was
becoming to have an
obsession for it
one morning the servant said to
Egaeus that his wife died of
episode epilepsy.

Egaus while was in the library,

trying to remember a dream, he
only remembered a woman
screamed, and he asked himself
what did he do? because he
knew that something happened
at night but he didn't remember
what it was.
later the servant came to Egaeus and
said with shaking voice that someone
took Berenice out of the hole, her body
was cut and blending, she wasn't dead,
she was still alive.

The servant pointed Egaeus'shands and

Egaeus'clothes, they were with blood.
They were shocked. Egaeus cried out and
a box fell down to the floor, it broke and it
opened, It has 32 teeth, At this moment
Eagus's hands were shaking and his air
was on end.

■ Many readers were shocked by the violence in "Berenice" so four

paragraphs were removed describe a scene where Egaeus visits
Berenice before her burial and clearly sees that she is still alive as she
moves her finger and smiles.
A new final part for the Short-story
■ The human being has great scope in his imagination so
through it we create a new ending.

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