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BSBINN601 Lead and manage

organisational change
Session 1.

 Welcome the students

 Getting to know each other

 Share academic and workplace experience

 Share the reasons behind pursuing GDML course

© TasCollege
Elements of the Unit

 Identify change requirements and


 Develop change management strategy

 Implement change management strategy

© TasCollege
Purpose of the presentation
At the end of this session, you should know how to:
 identify strategic change needs of an organisation
 Review existing policies/practices against strategic
objectives when identifying change requirements
 how to monitor external trends
 Review and prioritise change needs
 consult with stakeholders, specialists and experts
for identifying major change needs/opportunities

Identify strategic change needs
An organisation’s strategic plan could include:
 increase market share
 reduce operating expenditure
 grow product offering
 become an employer of choice
 increase sales.

Review current state
Review the organisation from four perspectives:
 people
 process
 technology
 structure.

Ask questions such as:
 Do employees have the right knowledge, skills and
experience to carry out tasks efficiently?
 Do the organisations policies and practices
support employees to perform in their role?
 Are employees engaged in the work that they do?
 Are employees contributing to the success of the
organisations operation?

Ask questions such as:
 What is the end to end process?
 Are work flows efficient?
 Are there any bottlenecks or slow points?
 Are there any recurring processing issues?

Ask questions such as:
 Does the current technology support the
 How old is the technology – is it outdated?
 How often is the technology out of service?
 Has the technology kept up? Does the technology
meet all of the organisations technological needs?

Ask questions such as:
 How is the structure organised? (centralised,
decentralised, sales and service, etc.)
 How many levels are there in the hierarchy?
 Does the current structure support fast decision
 Does the structure promote team work?

Monitor external trends
Trends can be categorised into the following types:
 consumer driven trends
 economic trends
 ethical trends
 legal trends
 political trends
 social trends
 technological trends.
Prioritise change requirements
Ask the following questions:
 What can the organisation afford to implement?
 What other activities are occurring within the
business that may be impacted by the introduction
of a change?
 What changes can deliver ‘quick wins’?

Consult specialists and experts
Organisations typically use external consultants to:
 get an unbiased view of their organisation
 understand what is best practice
 supplement their knowledge and skills for a
specific change project.

Consulting models
There are 3 main models:
 the purchase of expertise model
 the doctor-patient model
 process consultation.

The next step
You should now:
 complete the learning activities in Section 1 of your
Student workbooks
 read through Section 2 of your Student


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