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Brand is a name, term, symbol or a design or
a combination of them which is intended to
identify the goods or services of one seller or
group of sellers and to differentiate them
from competitors.
Brand represents product image, quality or
Branding is the process of stamping a product
with some identifying name or mark or
combination of both. Branding gives a specified
name to a product or group of products of one
seller. Branding helps in meeting competition
and placing product in market in an effective
A brand name consists of words, letters or
numbers which may be vocalized or
 Deliver your message clearly
 Helps the companies to charge more
 Proper branding can results in higher sales
 Create business credibility
 Connect the consumer to the product
 Motivate the buyer
 User loyalty
 Establish Loyalty
 Protect from competition and price
 Reduce marketing costs
 Brands are Assets
 Impact market value
 Facilitate Purchasing
 Brand Positioning
 Brand Name Selection
 Brand Sponsorship
 Brand Development
 Individual Names
 Blanket Family Name
 Separate family name for all products
 product name
Packaging includes all the activities of
designing and producing the container for a
Packaging is the use of containers and
wrapping materials plus decoration and
labeling to protect the product, to help and
promote its sales, and to make it convenient
for the consumers to use the product.
 Protection
 Identification
 Convenience
 Promotion
 Attraction
 Economy
 Reputation
 Increase in profitability
 Consumer packaging
 Transit packaging
 Family Packaging
 Product-line packaging
 Multiple Packaging
 Re-use packaging
 Disposable packaging
 Industrial packaging
 Product Differentiation
 Package Design
 Package Size
 Package shape & color
 Package Cost
 Material Used
 Package type to be used

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