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a name, term, design,
symbol, or combination
of these elements that
identifies a product
and distinguishes it
from its competitors

Brand Name
Brand Mark
Trade Name
Trade Character
Trade Mark
(or product brand) a
word, group of words,
letters, or numbers that
represents a product
that can be spoken
◦ Should be easily
pronounced, distinctive,
and recognizable
the part of a brand
that is a symbol or
◦ It may include
distinctive colors or
a brand mark with human form or characteristics
a brand name, brand
mark, trade name, trade
character, or a
combination of these that
is given legal protection by
the federal government
“successful branding is a process that generates revenue that
cannot be counted, it creates a reputation that is felt not seen, it
is an asset that one cannot show on a balance sheet.”

1) Branding creates favorable images of the product.

2) Favorable branding facilitates sales promotion in specific
segments or in the whole market available for the product.
3) It helps the advertiser to face market competition and
brand wars effectively.
4) Branding helps receiving of customer acceptance.
5) It helps in creating consumer loyalty and winning their
6) It increases popularity and prestige.
7) Importance of Branding for business :
From the point of view of a business, the process of branding
involves making of a trademark and a good name. A
registered trademark and a name ensures individuality and
uniqueness of a particular product or family of products. The
primary advantage of branding is that it is safeguarded from
unlawful activities and at the same time, it is also a way of
developing a good reputation in the market.
8) Importance of Branding in Marketing:
In the field of marketing, the brand name plays an important
role as it helps the people to promote the brand name and its
merits quite easily.
9) Importance of Branding in Advertising:
Advertising is often considered to be a part of
marketing however, branding a particular product
helps the advertisers to provide attractive logo
and advertisements. As a brand name can never
be copied, advertisers face lesser heat from
unauthenticated advertisements, effectively, their
advertisement creation gets protected.
Difference Between Brand and Products
• What is a brand?
• A brand is the image of a specific product in the minds of the customers
. Despite there being many products in the market, companies engage
in a long-term strategy of creating a positive product perception which
entails reliability, credibility, and quality which will, in turn, give a sense
of satisfaction to the customers. Therefore, a brand is something that
helps the consumers to identify the product and the company behind it.
• Examples include
• Gucci
• Rolex, and
• Nike among others
• What is a product?
• A product is something that is in a physical or non-physical form that is made
available by organizations in the market for sale to the end consumer. It is
important to note that products differ in size, color, brand name, shape,
packing, features, and purpose among others. Companies use the
differentiating aspects to endear their products to potential customers.
• Examples of products include
• handbags
• jeans trouser
• shoes, and
• Laptops among others
• Definition
• Concerning their definitions, a product is a specific item that different
organisations sell in the market to their consumers with the sole purpose
of making profits. Contrastingly, a brand is a particular entity, which may
include a company logo, company symbol, or name that is used to contrast
or differentiate the products of one company to those of another. Precisely,
a brand plays the role of making products for a specific enterprise to be
identifiable in the marketplace.
• Time Horizon
• It is important to note that, when a brand has been established, it stays
forever in the minds of the consumers while on the other hand; other
upcoming products that are likely to offer more satisfaction than the
current product can replace a product, which means that its time is limited.
• Uniqueness
• It is difficult to emulate or copy a brand whereas; a product is
readily copied hence making prototypes of similar products to be
present in the market. Organizations have been competing by
copying each other’s products because they cannot reproduce the
brand, which is a legal trademark.
• Source/Creator
• A brand is created in the minds of the consumers after developing
a perception that a particular product can satisfy their needs.
However, a product is designed and can only be sourced from the
manufacturers. Producers create new products after which they
market them through their brand names at a profit.
• Role of Brand vs Products
• A brand has the purpose of adding value or boosting the psychological
perception of a consumer because he or she owns a reputable product
from a reputable company. On the other hand, a product performs a
specific and an express role, which may include covering the body
(clothes), printing (printer), and quenching thirst (soft drink) among
others. Moreover, the functions of a product are tailor-made.
• Appearance
• It is difficult to see and touch a brand because it is formulated in the
minds of the consumer and can only be explained. However, it is
possible to see and feel some of the products. For example, it is
possible to see and touch the current Samsung s7 series smartphone
while it is difficult to see and touch Coca-Cola brand.
Meaning A product is an item which is A brand is something which
ready for sale in the market. distinguishes a product from
other products in the market.

What is it? A product is What you need? A brand is What you want?

Uniqueness A product can be easily A brand has a distinguished

copied. identity, that cannot be

Created by Manufacturers Customers

Can it be replaced? Yes No

What they do? A product performs the A brand offers value.


Appearance A product may be tangible or A brand is intangible.

intangible in nature.

Time Horizon A product can be outdated Brand remains forever.

after some time.

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