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13 February 2017
• Chief Complaint : Dyspnoe
It has been experienced by the patient since 1
weeks. Cough (+), Vomiting (-), nausea (-),
history of fever (-), defecate (+) N. Micturition
(+) N. history of previous surgery : sectio
caesaria 3 times.
• Drug History : Insulin Novorapid and Levemir

• Medical History : Breast Cancer (L) + DM

Tipe 2
Present State:
Awareness : Compos Mentis
Blood Pressure : 120/80 mmHg
HR : 90x/i
RR : 30x/i
Temp : 36.5oc
Generalized State
Head and neck : No abnormality was found
Chest :In localized state
Abdomen : No abnormality was
foundGenitalia : Female, no abnormality was
Extremitas : No abnormality was found
Localized State
Chest :
I : Simetric,
P : Sterm Fremitus Low
P : Sonor Shortened
A : Respiratory sound : Vesikuler
Clinical photos

•Hb/Leu/PLT/Erit : 12,7/24.86/256/3,92
•Ur/Cr : 64 /0,87
• Na /K/CL : 112/5,4/92
•Random blood sugar level : 372
Chest X-ray
Working diagnose

(L) Breast Ca T4cN3M1 Pleura kontralateral + (L)

Efusi pleura
Management in Emergency Room :
• Fasting
• IVFD crystaloid
• inj. Antibiotic
• inj. Analgetic
• inj. Antipyretic
• Natrium Correction
•Prepare for (L) chest tube insertion + WSD

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