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Aristotelian Vs.

Galilean Views of
Summary Basically Aristotles
view of motion is it requires a
force to make an object move in
an unnatural manner or more
simply ‘’Motion’’ requires force .
After all if you push a book it
moves when you stop pushing the
book stops moving.
Galileo laws of motion develop
the idea of force as a cause for
motion determined that the
natural state of an object is rest
or uniform motion.,objects have
a velocity sometimes that velocity
has a magnitude of zero rest
object resists change in motion
which is called Inertia.
Aristotles theory of Motion had
two basic principles;
1.No motion without in mover in
contract with moving body.
2.Distinction between;
a]Natural Motion; Mover is
internal to moving body.
b] Forced Motion 8 mover is
external to moving body.
Aristotle believed that the initial
motive force transfer to the
medium initially surrounding the
object a ‘’ Power’’ to act as a
motive force and the medium
then forces the object into a new
region which is then impaited
with the power to act.
Aristotle concept of different
types of motion was destroyed
when he describe the projectile
motion as a combination of
horizontal and vertical motion
and in the same terms and the
same relationship.
An Aristotelian proposal that heavier
object fall at the same rate was
proved false by the only plausible
Galilean explanation that all object
fall at the same rate.Galileo correctly
measured motion in two independent
directions [horizontal and
vertical]and deduced that the rate of
fall letter measured interms of
downward acceleration.
According to Galileo a
projectile which is carried by
a uniform horizontal motion
compounded with a naturally
accelerated vertical motion
describes a path which is a
Galileo Galiles ,is an Italian Scientist
Galileo was renoloned for his
contribution to Physics astronomes
and scientific philosophy .He is
regarded as the chief founder of
modern science.
Imagine yourself holding a bowling
ball and a pingpong ball.If you drop
this balls simultaneously ,which ball
do you think would have greater
acceleration upon reaching the
Galileo proved with his
experiments that when objects
are drop simultaneously ,they will
reach the ground at the same
time regardless of their masses
and air resistance . In another set
of expirements .
He discovered that the objects
fall with uniform acceleration.
Galileo was fascinated by the
behavior of falling objects. He knew
that the falling objects increase their
speed as they go down. This change in
speed acceleration.
However, he did not base in any
equipment to measure this change
,so he used inclined planes to lessen
the acceleration of the moving bodies.
He was this able to investigate the
moving bodies confusing on his
He had observed following:
 A ball rolling down an inclined
plane increase its speed by the
same value after every second.
For example, the speed of a
rolling ball was found to
increase by 2m/s every second.
This means that the rolling ball
would have the following
speeds for every seconds.
Times[s] Speed m/s
0 0
1 2
2 4
3 6
4 8
5 10

*As the inclined plane becomes steeper

,the acceleration of the rolling ball
increase .
 The maximum acceleration of
the following ball was reached
when the inclined plane was
positioned vertically as if the
ball is simply falling.
These acceleration lead Galileo to
conclude that regardless of the
mass of objects and air resistance
falling objects would always have
uniform acceleration.
In the period before Galileo
scientist believed that force causes
speed but Galileo showed that
force actually the acceleration. By
using the law of parabolic fall
Galileo concluded that the bodies
fall with constant acceleration on
the surface of the Earth and that
force of Gravity which causes all
bodies to move downward is a
constant force.
In other words he reached the
conclusions that a constant force
does not lead to constant speed
but the constant acceleration.
This conclusions was later
followed by a claim that a body
continue its motion as long as
no other factor disturbs its
motion, this principle is called
the force of Inertia.
Thus Galileo lay of fall claims
that bodies fall at constant
acceleration it means that the
speed of the body increases with
equal increments within equal
intervals of time and that the
distance travelled by them in
those equal time intervals is not

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