BM Session Brand Value Chain

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The New Accountability

Virtually every marketing dollar
spent today must be justified as
both effective and efficient in
terms of “return of marketing
investment” (ROMI).

Truth !!
Hardly any marketing professional who is not
worried about what return will a specific campaign
bring about.

Some observers believe that up to 70% (or even

more) of marketing expenditures may be devoted to
programs and activities that cannot be linked to
short-term incremental profits, but yet can be seen
as improving brand equity.

The Brand Value Chain

Broader perspective than just the CBBE model

The brand value chain is a structured approach to assessing the

sources and outcomes of brand equity

Which marketing activities create brand value?

Value Stages
Marketing program investment
◦ Any marketing program that can be attributed to brand
value development
◦ Marketing a product could be expensive across various
avenues available such as a website, social media, print,
magazines, or hoardings.
◦ Product Research, Sales force management etc. also adds
to cost

Customer mindset
◦ In what way have customers been changed as a result of
the marketing program?
Value Stages

Market performance
◦ How do customers respond in the marketplace?

Shareholder value

Program quality multiplier

◦ The ability of the marketing
program to affect customer mindset

◦ Must be clear, relevant, distinct,

and consistent
Program Quality Multipliers
 Did consumers understand the marketing program?
 Do consumers properly interpret and evaluate its meaning?

 Is the marketing program meaningful to the consumer?
 Do consumers feel the brand is one they should seriously consider?

 How unique is the marketing program?
 How creative or differentiating it is?

 How well integrated is the marketing program? Is the brand evolving in
the right direction?

Customer multiplier
◦ The extent to which value created
in the minds of customers affects
market performance

◦ It depends on factors such as

competitive superiority, channel
support, and customer size and

Customer Multiplier

Competitive superiority
 How effective are the marketing investments of competing brands?
 How strongly have competitors affected customer mindset?
 Are their brand equity stronger?

Channel and other intermediary support

 How much selling effort is being put forth by various channel partners?
 Are retailers helping to sell your brand?
 Are distributors motivated to lift your product? Channel conflict?

Customer size and profile

 How many and what types of customers are attracted to the brand?
 Are they profitable? (green fans being launched under magic when only 2% of the
consumers every year shift from regular category to green).

Market multiplier
◦ The extent to which the
value generated through
brand market performance
is manifested in shareholder
◦ It depends on factors such
as market dynamics, growth
potential, risk profile, and
brand contribution
Market Multiplier

Market dynamics
 Dynamics of financial market (Investors sentiment)

Growth potential
 Prospect of the brand, prospect of the industry, Analyze the micro/micro
environment. (External Opportunities).

Risk profile
 Risk profile for the brand? (External threats).

Brand contribution
 How important is the brand as part of the firms brand portfolio?

Brand Value Chain -

Company Performance

Company Performance

Company Performance

92% rise in the stock price

Tanishq Price to earnings multiple of 90

Brand Recall Increased
Bill Size increased to 1.5 lakhs
from 30,000
Activities Done for Tanishq
Measures to achieve scale
Moving from Gold(margins Further
are just 10%) to Diamond
Moved to Rs. 250,000
Started bigger showrooms wedding jewellery market
(from 2,000 sq. ft. to 2500 sq.
 Launched Sub – brand Rivaah

Major Challenge
Watch is a declining
Counter Move Result
Repositioning it as Fastrack Reflex Band sold
Wearable Device 200,000 units in 45 days
Market Further
India will account for 0.6% FY 2017 Rs. 2,028 cr.
of 200 million units of Own brands and
smart watch sales by 2020
FCUK, Tomy Hilfinger, Police
Fastrack is Fast Growing with a growth rate of 23%
Key Points
Highest Margin
Long Growth Runway
Key Actions
Opened 472 Stores Pan - India
Started Lens manufacturing

Other Actions
Moved Online
Got sales not less than
Rs. 360 cr. Sales through
Carat lane

Other Actions
Enetered Saree Business
Taneira is the Brand


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