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Globalization and

• Globalization wuld be better described as
the “ increase or decline in the degree of
globalism” (Nye, 20002)
• Globalism refers to the network of
connections that transcends distances of
different countries in the world.
• We can also differenciate globalism ad globalization in
terms of its “ thickness” (Nye, 2002).
• Globalism is thin.
• As its become thicker, glbalizati happes. This meas that
being able to connect countries in the world through a
more dynamic and faster way is globalization.
• The connections were not intense nor “thick”. In contrast
to contemprary world, “globalism becomes increasingly
thick” (Nye, 2002)
• 4 distinct dimension of globalism
• Economic
• Military
• Environmental
• Social

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