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Human Values and Professional Ethics

(HVPE) in Higher Education


1. The Current Status of an Individual.

2. Basic Human Aspiration.
3. Rationale of Success.
4. Role of Education – Sanskar, Basis of Human
5. Right Understanding for Human Being.
6. Achievement of Prosperity.

1.The Current Status of an Individual.
An Individual life is surrounded by four key Components



At the level of Individual:
- Dissatisfaction
- Self contradiction.
(an act or instance of contradicting oneself.)
- Increasing pressure due to competition.
- Decline in health in spite of excellent medical facilities.

At the level of Family and Work Place:

- Deprivation (not having the things that are necessary for a pleasant life,
such as enough money, food or good living conditions.)
- Complaints, fights, inter-personal tensions.
- Injustice, hatred. (Due to misunderstanding.)
- Disintegration of family. (E.g. Separation of family member.)

At the level of Society:
- Tendency to Snatch from others.
- Exploitation of others.
- Poverty and Unemployment war.
(E.g. Lack of competent skills, Increasing Population.)

At the level of Nature:

- Imbalance (E.g. Few regions are rich in terms of water, Greenfields, while
regions are prone to dry, desert areas.)

- Resource Depletion
(E.g. Excessive usage of Resources – oil and gas.)
- Pollution.
(E.g. Air, Water, Noise pollution tends to affect the environment.)
2. Basic Human Aspiration
“Desire” refers to a Strong Wish.
Aim, Objective, Purpose

To Become To Do/Get To Be

Doctor Service, Money, Respect… Happy & Prosperous

Engineer Make Things, Money, Respect … Happy & Prosperous
IIT Engineer Make Things, Money++, Respect++… Happy & Prosperous
Mother Take Care, Trust, Respect, Guidance… Happy & Prosperous
Farmer Grow Things, Money, Respect… Happy & Prosperous
Thief Get Things, Money, Respect… Happy & Prosperous
Steps toward Goal Basic Human Goal
Not the Goal Desire, Aim, Objective, Purpose
The basic human aspiration is happiness and prosperity;
and its continuity.

1. Understanding the aspiration – i.e.,

Understanding "What to Do"

2. Learning the skills to achieve it – i.e.,

Learning "How to Do"

Are both required or we can do with just one of them?

• Deciding “What to Do” or “What is Valuable” – Example
An Individual having a goal can achieve
- Complete school with good marks Goal
- Get admission to a good college
- Get a degree
- Get a job
- and so on…


While on other hand an individual who do not have any goal cannot achieve
anything and he tries to pursue various vocations without goal.

As a human being, it is important to understand what to do (what is the goal for

human being)
3.Rationale of Success

Success means getting - a degree, a job, or money?

Getting a Right Education with complete value based

knowledge makes you to be successful in all walks of
your life.

Stories : Abraham Lincoln, Swami Vivekananda, Albert

Einstein and Subhasa Chandra Bose.


• Interactive and Participative.

• Question inviting classroom atmosphere.

• He can learn from his / her mistakes.

• Right relationship between the teacher and student is

vital for learning to take place.

• An endless CONVERSATION is necessary.

4.Role of Education – Sanskar, Basis of
Human Conduct.

The role of education is to facilitate the development

of the competence to live with Definite Human

Definite Human Conduct tells us, the conduct which ensures

Moolya  Relationships
Charitr  Samaaj
Nitikta  Vyavasta

Role of Education-Sanskar

For this, the education-sanskar has to ensure

1. Right understanding in the self of every student

2. The capacity to live in relationship with the other human
3. The capacity to identify the need of physical facility and the
skills & practice for sustainable production of more than what
is required leading to the feeling of prosperity
These are the 3 components of human eduction-sanskar, if it has
to ensure development of definite human conduct
State of Education-sanskar  State of Society
Education-sanskar shapes the society of the future
The state of society today indicates that:
– There is increasing tension in individuals, division in family,
terrorism in society…
– There is increasing exploitation of nature, climate change, global
5.Right Understanding for Human Beings.

Which one of them is developed among these two

• A) A city having more number of Hotels, Hospitals and
Recreational Facilities.
• B) An ashram providing calm and serene environment.

Right Understanding thus refers to interpreting, analyzing

and thinking in a righteous way in our decision making
or in our choices.

Right Understanding
Families living (Self)
together, in a
relationship of
mutual fulfillment
(common goal)

People living
together, but not in
relationship of Intake of Food ,
mutual fulfillment clothes,
(differing goals) water..etc

Relationship Physical Facility

With Human Beings With Rest of Nature

6. Achievement of Prosperity
• Prosperity means the extent to which we are happy and
prosperous in life.

Prosperity = Feeling of having more than required physical

1. Identification of required physical facility (including the
required quantity) – with right understanding

2. Ensuring availability / production of more than required

physical facility - with right skills

A prosperous person thinks of right utilization, nurturing the other.

Thank you


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