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Non-Person “People”

How to keep track of places, ships and other

objects and their relationships with people and
each other
Custom Roles
Why create a new role?
– Apply descriptive labelling to a person’s part in an
– Control sentences depending on role in the event

– Census relationships
– Will beneficiaries, executor/executrix
– Death informant

© Carole Riley - May 2010 2

Custom Tag Types
Why create a new tag type?
– Easily record events that happen reasonably frequently
– Easily find these types of events in Person View or in
– Exclude these types of events from reports

– Census for each year, eg 1841, 1851…
– Assisted Immigration
– Death of Father/Mother

© Carole Riley - May 2010 3

Non-Person “People”
• TMG is a database that can manage
relationships between objects, ie, people

Marriage relationship

Parent-child relationships

© Carole Riley - May 2010 4

Non-Person “People”
• What if the “people” could be other types of
– Immigrant ships
– Convict transports
– Towns or villages
– Houses or farms
– Churches
– Religious denominations
– Schools
– Organisations
– What else?
© Carole Riley - May 2010 5
Non-Person “People”

© Carole Riley - May 2010 6

Non-Person “People”
• Why do it?
– Single place to hold all info and sources about
colonies, towns, ships
– Can see multiple links, eg. all residents in one
town, or all immigrants on one ship
– Show places, ships, etc in Associates window
– Can easily exclude from reports and charts by tag
types, roles and flags

© Carole Riley - May 2010 7

Link a Person to a Place
• Create the Place

• Need a new Role in an existing Tag Type

– Tag Type – ‘Residence’
– Role – ResLink

• Add Residence Tag for Person

– Add “Place Person” as witness with role ResLink

• Person now shows up under that Place

• Place appears as Associate for that Person
© Carole Riley - May 2010 8
Link a Person to a Ship
• Create the Ship

• Need a new Role in an existing Tag Type

– Tag Type – ‘Immigration’ or ‘Immigration Assisted’
– Roles
• Ship
• Destination

• Add Immigration Tag for Person

– Add “Ship” as witness with role Ship
– Add “Place” as witness with role Destination

• Person now shows up under that Ship and Place

• Ship and Place apper as Associates of that Person
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Link a Marriage to a Church
• Create the Church

• Need a new Role in an existing Tag Type

– Tag Type – ‘Marriage’
– Role – Church / MarrPlace

• In Marriage Tag
– Add “Church” as witness with role Church

• Marriage now shows up under that Church

• Church appears as Associate of those Persons
© Carole Riley - May 2010 10
Some Standards
• New custom Flag – Type
– P = Person (default)
– L = Place
– S = Ship
– Etc
• Name format
– Preceded by special character
– Name goes in Surname field
– Upper and lower case
• Gender is male
• Parent always male
© Carole Riley - May 2010 11

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