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The Beginning of Life

Presented by: Taclan, Kiela Mae M.

• Life begins at fertilization. Fertilization
refers to the meeting of female sex
cell and male sex cell.
• These sex cells are developed in the
reproductive organs called gonads.
• Male sex cells called spermatozoa,
are produced in the male gonads
called testes.
• Female sex cells called ova, are
produced in the female gonads known
as ovaries.
• The fertilized egg known as
zygote contains all the hereditary
potentials from the parents .
• The zygote goes to the uterus
and continues to grow during the
gestation period of about 280
days or 36 weeks or 9 calendar
• Each parent contributes one sex
chromosome to the offspring.
• Male parent may pass either an X or
a Y chromosome.
• Female always give X chromosome.

X chromosome from the father and meets the X

chromosome from the mother the resulting
combination is XX which indicates a female
offspring .
When the father produces a Y chromosome pair
with the X chromosome from the mother , the
resulting combination is XY, signifying a male
• Female and male chromosomes contains
several thousands of genes.
• Genes is a small particles in a string-like
• They are true carriers of hereditary
characteristics of the parents.
• gene is a substance called
deoxyribonucleic acid which is the code
of heredity. It contains information and
instruction about the newly created
organism, and programs the traits that
should be inherited.
• Maturation is the unfolding of the
inherent traits.

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