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Key Informant
Stella P. Go
Integrated School
De La Salle University

Qualitative Research and NVIVO Training Workshop,11-13 April 2018, Philippine Social Science Center

An object designed to
open a lock

What are key A person who provides

informant information

A one-on-one
conversation where
questions are asked &
answers are given

Qualitative Research and NVIVO Training Workshop,11-13 April 2018, Philippine Social Science Center

 an in-depth interview of 15-35 people focusing on a list of issues

regarding a topic which interviewees have first-hand knowledge of
 primary goal is to obtain qualitative description of perceptions or
experiences, rather than measuring aspects of the experience.
 it aims to collect information from a wide range of people—such as
community leaders, professionals, or residents—who have first
hand knowledge about the issue/topic

Qualitative Research and NVIVO Training Workshop,11-13 April 2018, Philippine Social Science Center

 Qualitative, descriptive information

for decision-making.
 Understanding of motivation,
behavior, and perspectives of
 Causes of successes and
shortcomings of an activity or
What Data Can KI program.
Interviews  Recommendations or future
 Information to support interpretation
of quantitative data collected through
other methods (triangulate findings).
 Preliminary information needed to
design a comprehensive quantitative

Qualitative Research and NVIVO Training Workshop,11-13 April 2018, Philippine Social Science Center

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages
• Opportunity to establish rapport/ • Vulnerable to informant or
trust and get an insiders’ view interviewer bias
• Can provide in-depth information • Representativeness of the
about causes of the problem population under study difficult
• Allows you to obtain information to achieve
from many different people, • Difficult to ensure validity of
including minority or “silent findings
majority” viewpoints • Open-ended information more
• Can be used with all age groups, difficulty & time-consuming to
including elderly and children. synthesize & analyze
• Inexpensive • Usually more difficult to conduct
& require more interviewing

Qualitative Research and NVIVO Training Workshop,11-13 April 2018, Philippine Social Science Center

Ethical Considerations in Conducting Key

Informant Interviews
In 1974, the National Commission for the Protection of Human
Subjects in the U. S. produced a framework with three ethical principles to
guide human research (called the Belmont Report).

Respect for persons

• Respect people’s autonomy, particularly their ability to make independent
decisions and act on those decisions.
• Implemented through informed consent (i.e., giving people the information
they need to make an informed and independent decision about whether
to participate in the project/study).
• Projects/studies need to maximize benefits and minimize risks.
• Implemented by a risk/benefit analysis that fully considers the physical,
psychological, emotional, and other risks to participants and weighs these
against the benefits that will accrue to the participants, the population
group, and/or society.
Qualitative Research and NVIVO Training Workshop,11-13 April 2018, Philippine Social Science Center

Ethical Considerations in Conducting Key

Informant Interviews

• Select participants for the project/study in such a way that there is fair
opportunity for inclusion and vulnerable populations are not exploited.
• Need for studies to include diverse populations (e.g., women, the lgbt,
people of color) so that these groups can benefit from the knowledge

Qualitative Research and NVIVO Training Workshop,11-13 April 2018, Philippine Social Science Center

Obtaining Informed Consent

o Purpose of the project and what o Confidentiality & Anonymity

will occur o Statement that participation is
o Person(s) conducting the project voluntary, that refusal to
o Duration of participation participate will not result in a
o Benefits that can be expected loss of services or benefits, and
from participation including any that participation can be stopped
compensation at any point.
o Risks and burdens that may o Information on who to contact
occur about the project

Qualitative Research and NVIVO Training Workshop,11-13 April 2018, Philippine Social Science Center

Steps in Conducting Key Informant


Qualitative Research and NVIVO Training Workshop,11-13 April 2018, Philippine Social Science Center

Reasons for
Recommendations patronage
for improvement
Satisfaction with
service delivery
What Adequacy of
Information/Data Are

Qualitative Research and NVIVO Training Workshop,11-13 April 2018, Philippine Social Science Center

Workers OFW
spouses left
Barangay behind
Determine target leaders

population and
possible key

Barangay Batong Malaki

Qualitative Research and NVIVO Training Workshop,11-13 April 2018, Philippine Social Science Center

Diversity is Important!

Selecting Key

Qualitative Research and NVIVO Training Workshop,11-13 April 2018, Philippine Social Science Center


Techniques for Telephone interviews

Conducting KI
Online interviews

Not mutually exclusive. A combination

may be used effectively.

Qualitative Research and NVIVO Training Workshop,11-13 April 2018, Philippine Social Science Center

Main Components of Interview Guide

• Introduction: Introduce the interviewer

and explain the project.
• Key questions: Draft five to ten questions
important to getting the information you
have set out to collect. Ask questions that
Develop draw upon the informant's expertise and
Interview Guide unique viewpoint.
• Probing questions: Probing questions
encourage participants to reflect more
deeply on the meaning of their
• Closing question: Provide an
opportunity for the key informant to give
any additional information or comments.
Also ask the key informants for their
recommendations or solutions in
addressing key issues or problems.

Qualitative Research and NVIVO Training Workshop,11-13 April 2018, Philippine Social Science Center


Digital audio

Qualitative Research and NVIVO Training Workshop,11-13 April 2018, Philippine Social Science Center

Starting the Interview

• Introduce yourself, the project (if

needed) and explain the purpose
of the interview

Conducting • Explain why his/her cooperation is

important in collecting the
Interviews information you need and what
you intend to do with the
information you will receive from

• Emphasize the fact that the

interview results will remain

Qualitative Research and NVIVO Training Workshop,11-13 April 2018, Philippine Social Science Center

Use Interview Guide/Template

to Standardize Administration

To protect validity and

comparability of answers:

Conducting • Questions and prompts should be

presented to all respondents in
Interviews the same way.
• While you want to maintain an
engaging tone, remain neutral
and avoid giving the impression
of having a strong view on the
topic to avoid bias.
• Clarify meanings of responses
and request detail by using
proper probing techniques

Qualitative Research and NVIVO Training Workshop,11-13 April 2018, Philippine Social Science Center
Active Listening 18

• Allow sufficient time for interviewee to

respond to each question and to elaborate
on answers.
• Balance taking accurate notes with the
need to focus on listening.
• Show interest: Nodding, “I see”, “yes”,
“That is helpful to know.”

Qualitative Research and NVIVO Training Workshop,11-13 April 2018, Philippine Social Science Center

Transcribe Interviews

Compile and

Qualitative Research and NVIVO Training Workshop,11-13 April 2018, Philippine Social Science Center

Create a Codebook
1. Prepare the texts
 Assign an ID # for each transcript
 In each transcript, break & number the
2. Identify themes in the transcript
Read a few transcripts and start pulling
Compile and out themes that emerge and assign
codes to them. By the end of this
Organize process you will have a set of codes that
Interviews you can apply to the rest of the
transcripts. Organize your codes with
common themes into categories.
3. Create a codebook that contains the
 Name of code
 Description of code
 Example of code

Qualitative Research and NVIVO Training Workshop,11-13 April 2018, Philippine Social Science Center

1. Go through all the transcripts & apply the

 If you find that you need to create a new
code because none of the existing ones in
the codebook apply, do so & update your
codebook accordingly.
2. Using Excel, create a worksheet for each
3. Go through all your transcripts. Cut and
Analyze & paste the texts under the appropriate
Interpret the codes in your Excel file. If a text has
multiple codes, cut and paste it under the
Interview Data applicable codes.
4. Start looking for common threads and
 Pull out common threads, themes &
 Pull out powerful quotes that exemplify the
5. Summarize the analysis & interpret the
Qualitative Research and NVIVO Training Workshop,11-13 April 2018, Philippine Social Science Center

 the extent to which 2 or more independent

coders evaluate a characteristic of a
message or artifact and reach the same
conclusion. (Also known as intercoder
agreement, according to Tinsley and Weiss

 measures "the extent to which the different

Intercoder judges tend to assign exactly the same
rating to each object" (Tinsley & Weiss,
Reliability 2000, p. 98);

Qualitative Research and NVIVO Training Workshop,11-13 April 2018, Philippine Social Science Center

No coherent standard.

Some rules of thumb

(Neuendorf, 2002):

Acceptance • Coefficients of .90 or greater

Standard would be acceptable to all,
for Intercoder
Reliability • .80 or greater would be
acceptable in most situations,

• Below .80, there exists great

disagreement” (p. 145).

Qualitative Research and NVIVO Training Workshop,11-13 April 2018, Philippine Social Science Center

 Computer programs, such as NVIVO,

can help with the analysis of interview

 They can perform many tasks, such as

coding, writing personal comments on
the interviews, doing word counts, and
searching for key words.
Using Computer
 Are much faster than manually coding
Programs for data and can save hours of work.
Data Analysis
While these programs can
help you organize the data
more efficiently, they are not
substitutes for your analysis of
the data.
Qualitative Research and NVIVO Training Workshop,11-13 April 2018, Philippine Social Science Center

Write the
Research Report

Qualitative Research and NVIVO Training Workshop,11-13 April 2018, Philippine Social Science Center
 Determine what information is needed
 Determine target population and
brainstorm about possible key
 Choose key informants
 Choose type of interview
 Develop an interview guide
Steps in Conducting  Determine documentation method
Informant Interviews
 Select designated interviewer(s)
 Conduct key informant interviews
 Compile and organize key informant
 Analyze & interpret interview data
 Write report
Qualitative Research and NVIVO Training Workshop,11-13 April 2018, Philippine Social Science Center

Maraming Salamat!

Qualitative Research and NVIVO Training Workshop,11-13 April 2018, Philippine Social Science Center
References 28

Gelfand, R. and Godefroy, R, 2010. Participatory Research Kit: Conducting

Interviews. Oakland, California: Data Center.

Mack, N; Woodsong, C.; Macqueen, K.; Guest, G.; and Namey, E. 2005. Module
3: In-depth interviews. In Mack N., et al., Qualitative Research Methods: A
Data Collector’s Field Guide. Pp. 29-50. Research Triangle Park, North
Carolina: Family Health International.

Neuendorf, K. (2002). The Content Analysis Guidebook. Thousand Oaks, CA:

Sage Publications.

UCLA Center for Health Policy Research. Section 4: Key informant interviews.
Retrieved 15 January 2018 from

Washington University. Key Informant Interview Handbook. Retrieved 15

January 2018 from
InterviewHandbook.pdfQualitative Research and NVIVO Training Workshop,11-13 April 2018, Philippine Social Science Center

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