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HRMS Evaluation

Enter the company URL:

Enter the company ID anitechnol, Then Username and Password which is provided.
Following are the Transaction which will be initiates by HRBP initiates and it’s Auto Approve

1) Designation update
2) Manager Change
3) Location Change
4) Update Position
5) Assignment Change(BU,Dept,Function and Subfunction in event reason)
6) Termination
Search employee on search area for whom do you want to run event reason.
Search employee on search area for whom do you want to run event reason.
Go to Action Choose “Change Job and Compensation Info”
Search employee on search area for whom do you want to run event reason.
Go to Action Choose “Change Job and Compensation Info”
Tick mark - Job Information
Update Date, Event and Event reason as required
Search employee on search area for whom do you want to run event reason.
Go to Action Choose “Change Job and Compensation Info”
Tick mark - Job Information
Update Date, Event and Event reason as required, fields which are required to change and click on
SAVE button
Once data save, you can able to see the changes data in the Job Information Portlet.
Click on History button
Once data save, you can able to see the changes data in the Job Information Portlet.
Click on History button, here you can see the data change.
Following are the Transaction which will be initiates by HRBP initiates and it’s Approved by Rewards

1) Fixed Term to Permanent

2) Contract to Permanent
3) Promotion
4) International transfer(Legal Entity Transfer)
Search employee on search area for whom do you want to run event reason.
Search employee on search area for whom do you want to run event reason.
Go to Action Choose “Change Job and Compensation Info”
Search employee on search area for whom do you want to run event reason.
Go to Action Choose “Change Job and Compensation Info”
Tick mark - Job Information
Update Date, Event and Event reason as required then click on SAVE button.
Update Date, Event and Event reason as required then click on SAVE button.
Once click on save button, system will trigger workflow to the Rewards team for approval.
Click on CONFIRM button.
Rewards team will be login and they will see, Approve Request in the TO DO tile
Rewards team will be login and they will see, Approve Request in the TO DO tile.
Once they approve the request, data would be saved in the job information portlet.
Following are the Transaction which will be initiates by HRBP initiates and it’s Approved by new

1) HRBP Change
Search employee on search area for whom do you want to run event reason.
Search employee on search area for whom do you want to run event reason.
Go to Action Choose “Change Job and Compensation Info”
Select Job Information and Job Relationship
Updated Date, Event and Event reason
Search employee on search area for whom do you want to run event reason.
Go to Action Choose “Change Job and Compensation Info”
Select Job Information and Job Relationship
Updated Date, Event and Event reason
Plus change the HR Manager in the Job relationship then click on SAVE button
System will trigger workflow to new HRBP for the approval.
New HBRP will get approve request in the TO- DO tile,
New HBRP will get approve request in the TO- DO tile.
Click on Approve button and system will update new HRBP in the Job Relationship portlet.
New HRBP updated in the Employee master data.

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