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Body Mass Index Calculator

First Seminar

Supervised by: U Kyaw Hlaing Oo Presented by: Hnin Hnin Aung

Lecturer VI EC-27
EC Department
Outlines of Presentation

 Aim and Objectives

 Introduction
 Proposed system blocked diagram
 Literature Review of BMI
 PIC 16F887
 HC-05 Bluetooth Module
 Circuit diagram of BMI calculator
 Flowchart
 Conclusion
Aims and objectives

 To design and develop a Microcontroller based BMI Calculator.

 For limitations of the the BMI.

 For a healthy weight.

 For assessing your weight and controlling your weight.


 BMI can approximately calculate the total fats of the person present in the body.
 statistical measurement

 The most common way of calculating it is by dividing ones’ mass in kilograms or pounds by the
square of the stature in meters or inches.

 Present BMI calculators are based on the BMI-for-age chart that contains the height, the weight,
and the age.

 As technology rises, BMI calculators became available through the internet. This requires the
height and the weight of the user, and some asks for age and gender too.

 Now,also create a Microcontroller based BMI Calculator that asks for height and weight in this

 The system was designed to get the accurate height and weight of the user and automatically
calculate the BMI with the help of the microcontroller.
Proposed system blocked diagram


Load A/D Display
Cell Converter Microcontroller


Fig(1); Block diagram of BMI

Literature Review of BMI

Data is then automatically fed in the computer which shows the BMI of the person on the monitor screen or on
LCD display.
Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated by dividing weight (in kilograms) by (height)² (in metres²). The World Health
Organization defines overweight as having a BMI value of 25.0 to 29.9, while a BMI of greater than 30 is
considered obese. A BMI value of 18.5 to 24.9 is generally considered normal, and a BMI less than 18.5 is defined
as underweight.

BMI is a popular method of measurement for physical condition by medical staff and the general public. It has
been statisically proven as a relatively reliable indicator of health risk in general but it has its limitations.
Literature Review of BMI

 BMI Calculation for “BMI = 703 * weight (lb) / height (in) ^ 2”

 BMI-for-Age Growth Charts for Adults
 BMI less than 18.5 = Underweight
 BMI of 18.5 through 24.9 = Normal
 BMI of 25.0 through 29.9 = Overweight
 BMI of 30.0 or greater = Obese
 Weight and Height Sensors(Load cell and Ultrasonic Sensor)
 Research Studies
 Definition of Terms

20 characters and 4 rows of the 20x4 LCD

• 5x8 dots
• Built-in controller (S6A0069 or equivalent)
• +5V power supply
• LED Backlight
• Monitoring

Fig(2);20x4 LCD
PIC 16F887

 Operating frequency 0-20 MHz

 Power supply voltage 2.0-5.5V
 Power-Saving Sleep Mode
 35 input/output pins
 8K ROM memory in FLASH technology
 Chip can be reprogrammed up to
100.000 times
 In-Circuit Serial Programming Option
 Chip can be programmed even
embedded in the target device
 256 bytes EEPROM memory
 Data can be written more than
1.000.000 times
 368 bytes RAM memory
 A/D converter: Fig(3); PIC 16F887
 14-channels
 10-bit resolution
HC-05 Bluetooth Module

 Designed for wireless comunication.

 Master or slave configuration.

 Configured only by AT COMMANDS.

Fig(4);HC-05 Bluetooth
Circuit diagram of BMI calculator

Fig(5);BMI calculator (Height Reading and Display)

Fig(6);BMI calculator (Weight Reading and Display)
Read Height


Send command to
Bluetooth module for weight

Wait weight data from

Bluetooth module


Calculate BMI

Display BMI data

End Fig(7);Flow chart for height

Fig(8);Flow chart for weight

 To overcome obesity as results from the accumulation of excess fat in the body.
 Support to people who increase their BMI and to decrease at risk for hypertension.
 Improved the skills in Micro-Controller.
 To analysize the difference between the actual result of BMI calculator and the result of
weight and height of body or object at outside in practical.

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