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AE705 / 152 / 153M

Introduction to Flight

Wednesday 25th September 2017
AE-705 Introduction to Flight Quiz-08
Longitudinal Stability
V-n Diagram


AE-705 Introduction to Flight Quiz-08

Question No. 1
Which of the following statements are TRUE?

a) A statically unstable aircraft could be dynamically neutral

b) A statically stable aircraft could be dynamically unstable

c) A statically unstable aircraft could be dynamically stable

d) A statically stable aircraft could be dynamically neutral

AE-705 Introduction to Flight Quiz-08

Question No. 2
The Neutral Point of an aircraft is:

a) Located at the CG for a neutrally stable aircraft

b) Located independently of the aircraft CG

c) A theoretical point whose location is arbitrary

d) Always located behind its Aerodynamic Centre

AE-705 Introduction to Flight Quiz-08

Question No. 3
An aircraft is longitudinally stable, and its
horizontal tail carries a down load. Which of
the following statements are TRUE?

a) CG is located ahead of CP

b) CP is located ahead of NP

c) CP is located ahead of CG

d) CG is located ahead of NP

AE-705 Introduction to Flight Quiz-08

Question No. 4
Which of the following statements are TRUE
about the Aerodynamic Centre ?

a) It is located at quarter chord for all airfoils

b) Its location is invariant with AoA

c) Moment about it is invariant with AoA

d) It is always located behind CG of an aircraft

AE-705 Introduction to Flight Quiz-08
Question No. 5
Air aircraft is longitudinally stable when:

a) CG is located ahead of AC and NP

b) CG is located at AC but ahead of NP

c) CG is located behind AC but ahead of NP

d) CG is located behind AC and NP

AE-705 Introduction to Flight Quiz-08

Question No. 6
Which factors govern the upper limit of nz
in a V-n diagram ?

a) Safety and Comfort of passengers

b) Structural Strength of the aircraft

c) Climb gradient of the aircraft

d) Design Diving Speed of the aircraft

AE-705 Introduction to Flight Quiz-08

Question No. 7
Which of the following statements are TRUE
for Corner Speed of an aircraft ?

a) It corresponds to the tightest turn

b) It corresponds to the fastest turn

c) It corresponds to highest CL and highest nz

d) It should be as low as possible

AE-705 Introduction to Flight Quiz-08

Question No. 8
Why are lateral cuts provided in the top and
bottom right corner of a V-n diagram ?
a) Due to Powerplant limitations
b) Due to Structural limitations
c) Since flight in these regions is not possible
d) Due to Aerodynamic limitations

AE-705 Introduction to Flight Quiz-08

Question No. 9
The additional load factor due to a sudden
vertical gust Δnz is directly proportional to :

a) Wing Loading (W/S)

b) Gust Velocity (VG)

c) Equivalent Air Speed (Veq)

d) Lift Curve Slope (a0)

AE-705 Introduction to Flight Quiz-08
Question No. 10
Most vertical gusts are never sharp in nature,
but gradual. This fact is taken care in FAR 23
regulations by :
a) A lower value of max. Vg

b) Sine distribution of Vg

c) Gust Alleviation Factor ‘k’

d) Cosine distribution for Vg

AE-705 Introduction to Flight Quiz-08

Next Class on Friday 27th October


AE-705 Introduction to Flight Quiz-08

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