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Sri Raharno
7 Maret 2012

Mechanical Engineering Department

Faculty of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Bandung Institute of Technology
Mechanical Engineering Department
Faculty of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Bandung Institute of Technology

Array vs Variabel Biasa

• Variabel Biasa • Array
Mechanical Engineering Department
Faculty of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Bandung Institute of Technology

Anatomi Array

Panjang Array

2 0 -5 10 7 -1 3 Nilai array

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Indeks

Elemen Array

• Dalam satu array, tipe data yang dapat ditampung adalah sama.
• Indeks selalu dimulai dari 0
Mechanical Engineering Department
Faculty of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Bandung Institute of Technology

Deklarasi Array & Inisialisasi

Mechanical Engineering Department
Faculty of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Bandung Institute of Technology

Assigning & Accessing

Mechanical Engineering Department
Faculty of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Bandung Institute of Technology

Contoh: Menghitung Rata-rata

Mechanical Engineering Department
Faculty of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Bandung Institute of Technology

Catatan: Penggunaan const

Mechanical Engineering Department
Faculty of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Bandung Institute of Technology

Pencarian Data
Mechanical Engineering Department
Faculty of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Bandung Institute of Technology

Contoh: Mencari Nilai Maksimum

Mechanical Engineering Department
Faculty of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Bandung Institute of Technology

• Urutkan data dari slide sebelum ini (a[0] ...
a[4]) secara membesar.
– Buatlah diagram alirnya.
– Buatlah programnya.

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