Salesforce Overview: Self-Study - Prerequisite To All Courses

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Salesforce Overview

Self-Study – Prerequisite to All Courses

Learning Objectives

Topic Slide
1. Learning Objectives 2

2. Functionality Overview 4

3. Log In to Salesforce 10

4. Navigation Basics 13

5. List Views, Reports, and Dashboards 21

6. Update Profile 35

7. Navigate the Salesforce1 App 41

8. Wrap-Up 45

Learning Objectives

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

 Describe how Salesforce enhances the constituent experience

 Describe the highlights of Salesforce
 Log-in to Salesforce
 Navigate the web browser and Salesforce1 app
 Update your profile

Functionality Overview

Topic Slide
1. Learning Objectives 2

2. Functionality Overview 4

3. Log In to Salesforce 10

4. Navigation Basics 13

5. List Views, Reports, and Dashboards 21

6. Update Profile 35

7. Navigate the Salesforce1 App 41

8. Wrap-Up 45

An Improved Constituent Experience with

• Salesforce CRM (Constituent Relationship Management) system represents a

commitment to SFU's strategic vision of being a student-centric university.
• When fully implemented, the enterprise-wide system will help us foster
strong, lifelong relationships with prospects, students and alumni and
deliver more intentional and personalized experiences
• For our constituents, these outcomes will enhance the value of an SFU
education and the perceived quality of the institution.

Salesforce Highlights

 Efficient navigation using global search and related records

 Record layouts that focus on what you can do instead of what you can
 User-friendly dashboards with components that span both columns
and rows
 Track all interactions for a constituent in a single place, providing a
360 degree view of the constituent
 Dynamic and easy to navigate list views that let you easily filter and
visualize your data
 Sleek report views that you can filter quickly to see the data that's
most important to you

Salesforce Objects

Salesforce objects are database tables that allow us to store data specific to SFU.
Objects are interconnected, allowing for a 360 degree view of a constituent.
Salesforce Environment Objects

Events Cases Educational Institutions

Constituents Applications Affiliations

Campaigns Opportunities Academic Programs

Campaign Members Event Registration Activities (calls)

Programs Program Enrolment Course Connection

Business Organizations Sports Organizations University Departments

Affiliations Communications Tasks

Integrations (1/2)

Salesforce is integrated with multiple third party applications that push data into
Salesforce, providing you with a robust view of constituent information, all in one

Third-Party Description Frequency Manual or

Application Automatic

• Send Campaigner information to Salesforce such as Custom Automatic

Date Sent, Bounced, Date Opened, Bounced reason, Batch
Unsubscribed, etc.

• Constituents who enter their information and indicate Upon Manual

their interests on the Stay in touch area of the Submission
Contact Us page are created/updated as contacts and
campaign members in Salesforce

• Inquiries (cases) will be sent via the connector into On Demand Manual

• For new contacts, the connector creates a new

Contact in Salesforce

Integrations (2/2)

Third-Party Description Frequency Manual or

Application Automatic

• For inbound calls where callers are identified by a On Demand Manual

preferred phone number, a Salesforce screen will pop
up if that caller exists.

• A phone call recording is sent to Salesforce after the

call is completed on that person’s contact record.

• Event Registration Information to Salesforce Batch - Automatic


SIMS • New and Active Applicants and Application data will be Hourly Automatic
pushed to Salesforce.

SERA • New Applicant and Application data will be pushed to Nightly Automatic
Salesforce. Batch

Log In to Salesforce

Topic Slide
1. Learning Objectives 2

2. Functionality Overview 4

3. Log In to Salesforce 10

4. Navigation Basics 13

5. List Views, Reports, and Dashboards 21

6. Update Profile 35

7. Navigate the Salesforce1 App 41

8. Wrap-Up 45

Log In to Salesforce

Your welcome email includes a link

to the SFU Salesforce site.

To log in for the first time:

1. Copy and paste the link provided
in the email into Google Chrome
– this is the preferred browser
for Salesforce.
2. Enter your SFU Computing ID
and Password. Then, click Sign
3. Bookmark the link to access
Salesforce quickly in the future.

Log In to Salesforce

To log-in from your mobile
1. Download the Salesforce1
application from your
smartphone or tablet’s 2 3 4
application store.
2. Click Use Custom Domain.
3. Copy and Paste the link
provided to you in the
welcome email (remove the
https://), then click
4. Enter your SFU Computing ID
and Password, then click
Sign In.

Navigation Basics

Topic Slide
1. Learning Objectives 2

2. Functionality Overview 4

3. Log In to Salesforce 10

4. Navigation Basics 13

5. List Views, Reports, and Dashboards 21

6. Update Profile 35

7. Navigate the Salesforce1 App 41

8. Wrap-Up 45

Overview of the Home Page

The Homepage is the landing page that employees see after logging in. Here you
will find some helpful tools.
Search Field 3
4 Icons
Navigation Bar

The Home Page is a

dashboard – a collection of
reports, that displays key
information relevant to

These reports help you to

identify your tasks,
events, and keep on top of
cases and campaigns.

Global Search

Use the Search field to dynamically look up information in Salesforce across all
objects, such as Contacts, Accounts, Cases, Events, and more.
Start a global search by typing
directly in the Search field.

2 Auto-fill suggestions will appear

as you type. Select from the list as
desired or click Enter to see the full
search results.

3 Full search results will appear in a

list on a search results page. Click
the appropriate item to view more

4 You can also filter by object type on the

search results page by clicking on a category in
the left hand menu.

Global Search Field: Tips & Tricks (1/2)

The global search field operates differently than Google search. It takes many
factors into consideration, including prioritizing objects you use the most, and
objects most relevant to your search term. Salesforce breaks down your search
query into smaller pieces and searches through the information in the records,
displaying the most relevant results at the top.

Use these helpful tips & tricks to improve the relevance of your results:
1. Limit your search results to one object:

Use key words relevant to

the object in the global
search, such as name or
email address, for example.

Click the drop-down arrow and

select an object to limit results to
that object.

Notice that only Contacts appear

in the search results, as that was
the object selected.

Global Search Field: Tips & Tricks (2/2

2. Use an asterisk (wildcard)

The (*) allows you to find items that match one or more characters in the
* middle or at the end of your search term.
• For example, Al* will return results such as Alice Spruce, Alison Blair,
Jimmy Allen
3. Use Search Operators:
• AND - search for items that match all of the search terms.
• AND NOT - search for items that don't contain the search term.
• OR - search for items containing at least one of the search terms.
• Parenthesis - group search terms together (grouped search terms are
evaluated before other terms in your string).
• Quotation marks - search for items that match all of the search terms in
the order entered.
You can combine multiple operators in a search string and they'll be evaluated
in the following order:
1. Parenthesis
2. AND or AND NOT (in order from right to left)
3. OR
Navigation Bar

The Navigation Bar is available on all pages and provides an efficient and
consistent interface to navigate through various apps and items.
Click the tabs in the Navigation
Bar to access each item.

You can click the pencil icon to

add or edit the objects that
appear in your Navigation Bar.

Click the
downward arrow ˅
to access recent
records or create
new records for
that object.


On the upper-right corner of the homepage,

you will find 5 unique icons:

Icon Name Description

From here, you can create activities, such as a new
Create Menu
task, case, log a call, etc.
Help and
Search through online help and training materials.
Training Menu
This is mostly used for development purposes. This
is where the Data Import Wizard is located, which
you will learn about in the Trips&Events
Management Course.
Currently you will receive notification via email and
will not be using this icon.
From here you can click on your name to change
View Profile
your profile and upload a picture.

Adding Favourites

If there is a page that you use often, such as a dashboard, for example, you can
add it as a favourite.
Click the star icon on You can click the down
the page you would like arrow next to the star
to add as a favourite. from anywhere in
Salesforce to access
your favourites list and
navigate to that page.

List Views, Reports, and Dashboards

Topic Slide
1. Learning Objectives 2

2. Functionality Overview 4

3. Log In to Salesforce 10

4. Navigation Basics 13

5. List Views, Reports, and Dashboards 21

6. Update Profile 35

7. Navigate the Salesforce1 App 41

8. Wrap-Up 45

List Views vs. Reports

Salesforce provides many ways to view data.

• List Views are typically used to view a quick snapshot of a segment and take
action on records.
• A Report is generally used to summarize data for analysis.

List View Report

Quickly segment data X
Take immediate action X
In-line editing/Mass updates (if available) X
Group, summarize, or calculate X
Schedule to run automatically X
Export to Excel X
View over 2,000 records X
Combine multiple objects in one view X

List Views Permissions and Governance

In order to prevent an unmanageable list of list views, always create a personal

list view, NOT a public list view.

Staff System Admin

Create a new personal list view X X
Create a new public list view X
Clone an existing list view and make it personal X X
Clone an existing list view and make it public X
Delete a public list view X
System default is set to personal list view at the X X
time of list view creation or cloning

Navigate to List Views

List views allow you to see a scrollable list of records that meet filter criteria.
When you click a tab in the Navigation Bar, the first list view you will see by
default is Recently Viewed, which displays the records that you have last opened.

Click on a tab to see the list

views for that object.
Click on the down arrow to
see the different list views
for that object.

Create and Manage List Views

To create your own list view, navigate to an existing list view then follow these

Click New or click

Clone to copy the
existing filters on a

Create and Manage List Views

Personalize the title of the list.

Keep this option selected.

Important! Do NOT select the “All users can see this list view”. If selected, all SFU staff can see this view, which will cause there
to be irrelevant lists that appear for others and make it difficult to find one’s own list.
Create and Manage List Views

You will be prompted to update the filters, as needed.


These filters and

filter logic are
already set-up.

Click the ‘x’ on an

existing filter to
remove it.

You can additional


Update Filter Logic,

as needed.

Create and Manage List Views

Filters segment the data in your list. To add a filter:


Search the field you

would like to filter on.

Select the appropriate

operator based on
whether you would
like to include or Click the Add Filter
exclude information. button.

Value options are

based on field type
and could be a
picklist, text box, or
True or False.

Create and Manage List Views

Filter logic determines the rules within the filters. This is used when
there are multiple filters in the list view. To add filter logic:
Logic Description Example

1 AND 2. A list displays cases that

AND Intersection of filters are originated from an email AND
are Admissions related.
1 OR 2. A list displays cases that
Mutually exclusive
OR originated from a phone call or an
1 NOT 2. A list displays cases that
The field matches one
NOT originated from an email and are
filter, but not the other.
NOT Admissions related.

Create and Manage List Views

You can also customize which fields to display in the column headings:

Select available fields

that you would like
displayed as column

Use the arrows to

determine which fields to
display by moving fields
to the right column.

Create and Manage List Views

From your customized list view, you can sort information and drill down into the
records in that view

You can sort the table

thesort the
Click the subject to
table usingFor
headings. theexample,
navigate to that
you couldheadings.
sort by Due
Date or Priority.

For more information on creating list views, please click:
Important! It is only possible to sort by one column at a time.

Reports & Dashboards

• The reports that currently exist in Salesforce include out of the box reporting
capabilities. These standard reports can be modified or cloned (subject to SFU
user licensing). Our training will focus on this as the starting point, and we will
cover applicable reports and dashboards in each course.
• Custom reports refer to net new report types that need to be created, which
we will not be covering, although capability does exist with the system.
– Please contact your SFU Salesforce Admin for any custom report request.
– SFU anticipates introducing a business process for making any custom
report request and a will share with the stated users group post go-live
what this process may entail.


A Report is generally used to summarize data for analysis. Click the Reports tab,
from the Navigation Bar, then All Reports to view reports.

If there is a particular report that you think would be helpful for your team, contact a Salesforce Administrator to set it up.


Dashboards are a collection of multiple reports in one view. They allow you to see
information easily and the information is presented in an organized manner. Click the
Dashboards tab from the Navigation Bar, then All Dashboards to view dashboards.

If there is a dashboard view that you think would be helpful for your team, contact a Salesforce Administrator to set it up.

Update Profile

Topic Slide
1. Learning Objectives 2

2. Functionality Overview 4

3. Log In to Salesforce 10

4. Navigation Basics 13

5. List Views, Reports, and Dashboards 21

6. Update Profile 35

7. Navigate the Salesforce1 App 41

8. Wrap-Up 45

Update Profile – Information (1/2)

You can update your profile to keep your information current and personable:

Click Edit.

Update Profile – Information (1/2)

Complete or update fields as


Update Profile – Photo (1/2)

Click the camera icon.

Select Update
Photo and choose
a picture from your

Update Profile – Photo (2/2)

Move the picture

within the circle until
your face is

Adjust size, as

Update Profile – Create Email Signature

2 3

Fill in the Email

Signature box.

Navigate the Salesforce1 App

Topic Slide
1. Learning Objectives 2

2. Functionality Overview 4

3. Log In to Salesforce 10

4. Navigation Basics 13

5. List Views, Reports, and Dashboards 21

6. Update Profile 35

7. Navigate the Salesforce1 App 41

8. Wrap-Up 45

Navigate the Salesforce1 App

The Salesforce1 App is an application for your mobile device or tablet, that you
can use to access Salesforce information on the go.

The app is a reflection of what is in the browser. This is particularly helpful for
travelling recruiters, who may wish to look up constituent information or event
details while they are commuting.

Home Page

The mobile home page contains many quick links to activities and information:

1 Click Related to view associated

Click to access the full
items, such as files.

2 3
Click Details to view your
contact information.

The Feed shows a log of

past activity.

Click the icons to quickly

navigate to activities.
4 5
Click Show More to access
additional activities.


The menu provides access to other sections in the mobile app. This is
similar to the Navigation Bar tabs in the browser view. By clicking on a
section, you can view records and update them if needed.
1 2 Click the profile icon 3 Click Related to see
from anywhere in the the objects the record
app to return to the is associated to.
home page.
Click to
access the
full menu.
The menu contains
Scroll to see more
frequently used
items, recently used
items, apps, and
more. Scroll to view
additional items. Click Show More to
edit the record.

Take actions relevant to

the record.


Topic Slide
1. Learning Objectives 2

2. Functionality Overview 4

3. Log In to Salesforce 10

4. Navigation Basics 13

5. List Views, Reports, and Dashboards 21

6. Update Profile 35

7. Navigate the Salesforce1 App 41

8. Wrap-Up 45

Learning Objectives

You should now be able to:

 Describe how Salesforce enhances the constituent experience

 Describe the highlights of Salesforce
 Log-in to Salesforce
 Navigate the web browser and Salesforce1 app
 Update your profile

You have completed the Salesforce Overview Course.


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