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Chapter Twelve

Final and Initial Sample
Size Determination

Symbols for Population and Sample Variables

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Sample vs. Population

 Population parameters are unknown
 Sample statistics are used as estimates of parameters

 Population parameters are fixed

 Sample statistics change from sample to sample

 If simple random samples of size n are drawn from a population

with mean µ and variance  2, then when n is large, the sample
mean X will be approximately normally distributed with mean
equal to µ and variance equal to  2/n (known as standard error
of the mean).

Definitions and Symbols

 Standard error of the estimate: Standard
deviation of the parameter to be estimated in the

 Precision level: When estimating a population

parameter by using a sample statistic, the precision
level is the desired size of the estimating interval.
This is the maximum permissible difference between
the sample statistic and the population parameter.

 Confidence level: The confidence level is the

desired probability that a confidence interval will
include the population parameter.
Finding Probabilities Corresponding

to Known Values
Area between µ and µ + 1 = 0.3431
Area between µ and µ + 2 = 0.4772
Area between µ and µ + 3 = 0.4986 
Area is 0.3413

µ­3 µ­2 µ­1 µ µ+1 µ+2 µ+3 Z Scale

35 40 45 50 55 60 65 (µ=50,  =5)
­3 ­2 ­1 0 +1 +2 +3 Z Scale

The Confidence Interval Approach

Note that  is estimated by X . The confidence interval is given by
X   zx
We can now set a 95% confidence interval around the sample mean of
$182. As a first step, we compute the standard error of the mean:
x = n  = 55/ 300 = 3.18
From Table 2 in the Appendix of Statistical Tables, it can be seen that
the central 95% of the normal distribution lies within + 1.96 z values.
The 95% confidence interval is given by

X + 1.96
= 182.00 + 1.96(3.18)
= 182.00 + 6.23

Thus the 95% confidence interval ranges from $175.77 to $188.23.

The probability of finding the true population mean to be within
$175.77 and $188.23 is 95%.
Sample Size Determination for

Means and Proportions

Steps Means Proportions

1. Specify the level of precision D = $5.00 D = p -  = 0.05

2. Specify the confidence level (CL) CL = 95% CL = 95%

3. Determine the z value associated with CL z value is 1.96 z value is 1.96

4. Determine the standard deviation of the Estimate :  = 55 Estimate :  = 0.64


5. Determine the sample size using the n = 2z2/D2 = 465 n = (1-) z2/D2 = 355
formula for the standard error

6. If the sample size represents 10% of the nc = nN/(N+n-1) nc = nN/(N+n-1)

population, apply the finite population
7. If necessary, reestimate the confidence = p  zsp
interval by employing s to estimate 
=   zs-x
8. If precision is specified in relative rather D = Rµ D = R
than absolute terms, determine the sample n = C2z2/R2 n = z2(1-)/(R2)
size by substituting for D.

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