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Oracle R12 Applications

Bills of Material

TCS Internal
 Glossary (Related Business Terminology)

 General Introduction to Bill of Material

 Integration with other Modules

 Setups

 Run Through of End to End Business Processes

 Standard Reports & Online Inquires

 BOM Tables , APIs/Interfaces

 Sample Process Analysis Questions

31 August 2019 2
Glossary (Related Business Terminology)

31 August 2019 3
Glossary (Related Business Terminology)
Product which is manufactured in the Plant
Need not be Finished goods.
The intermediate product can also be an assembly (it could rather be called as Sub-Assembly).

Materials used for manufacturing the assembly
Components could be raw materials, consumables, by-products etc..

Require to perform an operation to complete the manufacturing process
Could be machine, employee, space, tools and Outside services.
Resources are assigned to departments and they are in turn assigned to an Operation.

An area with in organization
Consists of one or more people, machines, or suppliers,
Where you want to collect cost and apply overhead while you complete you Operation or an assembly.

Work day Calendar

Defines the valid working days of a manufacturing organization
Contains the repeating pattern of On-days and Off-Days.
All working days need to be defined, as On-Days and all Non-working days
(Holidays) need to be defined as Off-Days.

31 August 2019 4
Glossary (Related Business Terminology)
Model BOM
BOM includes Options and Option class for the customer to choose his configuration.
Also specifies mandatory items and included items that are required for each configuration for the model.
Models cannot be ordered or built instead the configurations arrived using the model are ordered or built.
The types of model BOM include PTO (Pick to Order) and ATO (Assemble to Order).

Option Class BOM

An Item that helps to group optional components on a BOM.
Becomes a level in your Model BOM.
A mandatory item under an Option class BOM applies for all of its options.
Option class BOM can be either a ATO or a PTO.

Standard BOM
Most common type of BOM used in any discrete manufacturing process,
Lists all the mandatory components required for manufacturing the product

Planning BOM
structure that includes a percentage distribution of its components.
Oracle MS/MRP uses the Planning BOM to plan its components based on the percentage distribution.

Lead Time
Time required to complete a process (could be either a manufacturing process or a procurement process).
Various types of lead-time include, Pre-Processing Lead time, Processing Lead time, Post Processing Lead time, Fixed Lead
time, Variable Lead time, Total Lead time, Cumulative Manufacturing Lead time and Cumulative Total Lead time.

31 August 2019 5
General Introduction to Bill of Material

31 August 2019 6
Module Overview

By what (components) ?
By how much (component quantity) ?
From where (component replenishment info) ?

In what way (operations) ?
Who (resources) ?
How long (manufacturing lead time) ?

• Maintains workday calendars

• Maintains production bills
• Maintains configurable bills with options
• Maintains departments, resources
• Maintains production routings
• Rolls up manufacturing lead times

31 August 2019 7
Workday Calendar

Calendar MPS/MRP


Inventory BOM CRP

31 August 2019 8
Type of Bills

Planning Bill
Desktop (80%) Laptop (20%)

Model Bill
256MB RAM Monitor Option
Class Bill
Class Item
16 “ 17 “
Standard Bill

Picture Tube Cabinet Option

31 August 2019 9

Warehouse Available
Space workdays
hours Shift A
Workday Calendar

Shop Floor


31 August 2019 10

New product New product

design BOM



31 August 2019 11
Indented Bill

Qty = 1 Qty = 2
B Unit Cost = $7 D Unit Cost = $5

Qty = 2 Qty = 3
C E Unit Cost = $4

Single Level Bills

Unit Cost = $51

Final Level
Rolled up Cost

Qty = 2 Qty = 1
C Unit Cost = $22 B Unit Cost = $7

1st Level
Rolled up Cost
Qty = 2 Qty = 3
Unit Cost = $5 Unit Cost = $4 Indented Bill

31 August 2019 12
General Introduction- Oracle Bill of Materials

31 August 2019 13
Alternate Bill & Alternate Routing

Primary Way of manufacturing CRANK SHAFT



10. Heating , 20. Hammering , 30. Forging , 40. Twisting , 50. Heat

Alternate Way of manufacturing CRANK SHAFT



10. Treatment , 20. Pouring , 30. Fettling , 40. Grinding , 50. Shot
Alternate Bill: CASTING
Blasting , 60. Heat Treatment
Alternate Routing: CASTING

31 August 2019 14
General Introduction- Oracle Bill of Materials
Oracle Bill Of Materials covers these major Functions as a part of Discrete

 Creating and Maintaining Routings

 Creating and Maintaining BOM

 Defining and Maintaining Lead Times

 Manufacturing Scheduling

 Oracle E-Records

31 August 2019 15
Integration with other Modules

31 August 2019 16
Integration with Other Modules
Model and Configurations Manufacturing BOM

Order Oracle Cost Oracle

Work inWIP

Bill of
ECO (Engg Change Orders)


MRP Purchasing Costing

Planning BOM Cost Rollups
Outside Processing

31 August 2019 17

31 August 2019 18
BOM Parameters

Bill Levels : Max bill level to explode, limit is 60

Inactive Status: De-activate Configurations program uses this item status for the configured items
Numbering Segment: The numbering segment defined in the OE Validation Org will be used for the configured items.
Numbering Method: This is used for assigning the unique number for the configured items. There are various logics used for
numbering method. Click on Icon to know more about it.
Create Lower Level Supply: This setup decides the supply creation of lower level Configurations or ATO Items. Selecting
NO will only create supply for the Top level configuration items.
Config BOM Creation Allowed: Enable this in all the organizations where you manufacture or purchase your configurations.
Use Phantom Routings: If checked will include phantom routing components, resources and Overheads in the top level
assembly. Else only the components are included.
Inherit Phantom Op Seq: Enabling this will inherit op. sequence of their parent assemblies. Else they maintain their own

31 August 2019 19
Define and Build Work Day Calendar (Required)

(N) Bom>Setup>Calendar (B) >Workday Pattern

 Valid working days for a manufacturing organization
 Can define one or more workday calendars and assign them to any number of organizations
 any number of organizations can share a calendar.
 Can specify the start and end dates, and the weekend schedule for each calendar.
Quarterly Type can be:
 4/4/5 Week Pattern: Two four-week periods followed by one five-week period.
 5/4/4 Week Pattern: One five-week period followed by two four-week periods.
 Calendar Months: Twelve periods per year based on calendar months.
 13 Periods: Thirteen four-week periods per year.
Workday Pattern sets Workdays On or Off.
31 August 2019 21
Define and Build Work Day Calendar (Required)

(B) Times
(N) Bom>Setup>Calendar>Shifts
Define the shifts as per the business requirements.
There can be multiple shift and each shift can have a start and stop time.

31 August 2019 22
Define and Build Work Day Calendar (Required)

(N) BOM>Setup>Calendar>Dates

31 August 2019 23
Define Exception Template (Optional)

(N): BOM>Setup>Calendar> (M) Tools>Exception Template

Exception templates define and group deviations to your workday calendar, such as holidays, downtime, or
scheduled maintenance. When defining a workday calendar, specify which days (or shifts) are on and
off. The workday calendar, in combination with the exceptions to it, determine the work pattern for each
organization. There are three ways to apply the exceptions to the workday calendar:
 Selecting individual exception days
 Loading them from an exception template, another calendar, and another calendar shift
 Copying a set of exceptions from another calendar

31 August 2019 24
Define Exception Template (Optional)

(N): BOM>Setup>Calendar> (M) Tools> Build

Every time when a calendar is defined or modified, make sure it is Build to bring the changes in to effect.

! System will throw a note on this

31 August 2019 25
Define Resources (Optional)

(N): BOM> Routing>Resource

31 August 2019 26
Define Resources (Optional)

(N): BOM> Routing>Resource (B) Overheads

31 August 2019 27
Define Resources (Optional)

(N): BOM> Routing>Resource (B) Rates

31 August 2019 28
Define Departments (Optional)

(N): BOM> Routing> Departments

31 August 2019 29
Define Departments (Optional)

(N): BOM> Routing> Departments

31 August 2019 30
Define Profile Options (Required)

(N) Sys Admin>Profiles>Personal Profiles

>Query by BOM%

31 August 2019 31
Run Through of End to End Business

31 August 2019 32
Define Routings

(N) Navigation: BOM>Routings>Routings

Primary Routing: List of operations most frequently performed to build a product.
Alternate Routing: A different manufacturing process used to produce the same product.
Unlike a new primary routing, specify the item and alternate name to define an alternate routing.
A primary routing needed before defining an alternate
Any number of alternate routings for an item.
31 August 2019 33
Define Routings

(N) Navigation: BOM>Routings>Routings

31 August 2019 34
Define Routings

The Date from which this

routing operation is in

31 August 2019 35
Define Routings

 Define which operations in a routing record move transactions by defining how resources are consumed at that
 The Count Point and Autocharge check boxes work together.
 The Count Point and Autocharge check boxes can be set to either on or off.
 However, you cannot set Count Point on and Autocharge off.
 When you move assemblies from an operation with Count Point on / Autocharge on operation to another count point
operation set the same way, Work in Process automatically completes all Count Point off / Autocharge on count point
operations between them.
 To transact a Count Point off / Autocharge off count point operation, you must explicitly move assemblies into and out of
that operation. Moving assemblies past a Count Point off / Autocharge off count point operation acts as though the
operation did not exist in the routing.
 This is particularly useful for rework or debug operations that are performed on a portion of the assemblies you process.
31 August 2019 36
Define Routings

Define your Operation Yield.

100% yield is represented as 1

31 August 2019 37
Define Routings

 BOM changes done through Engineering Change Orders using Engineering Modules can be viewed

31 August 2019 38
Define Routings

(N) Navigation: BOM>Routings>Routings>Tools

Some of the additional functions which can be accessed from BOM Screen include:
 Rollup Cost, Compute Lead Time, Rollup Lead time, Std Operations, Departments, BOM, Indented BOM

31 August 2019 39
Define Routings
(N) Navigation: BOM>Routings>Routings Details

Define your completion sub inventory and

locator. This will default in the assembly
completion transactions for the Completion sub

31 August 2019 40
Define Routings
(N) Navigation: BOM>Routings>Operation Resources

 You can associate multiple resources with an operation on a routing. For each resource, you can determine if you want
to include that resource in scheduling and lead time calculations. You can also collect costs for a resource on a routing
if you specified the resource as a costed resource.
 Define your operation timings in the Usage Rate or Amount based on the basis. A basis of Item indicates when your
charges fluctuate with quantity change. Lot Indicates resource usage quantity is the amount required per job (Setup
 Set your scheduling options as either Yes or Prior or Next or No. Based on this, the operation will be either scheduled
or scheduled prior to this operation or scheduled next to this operation.
31 August 2019 41
Define Routings
(N) Navigation: BOM>Routings>Standard Operations

 Acts as a template for use in defining future routing operations.

 On assigning operation code of standard operation in a routing, Operation information gets copied
 You can then modify the operation information in your new operation.

31 August 2019 42
Define BOM Click here to
(N) Navigation: BOM>BOM know more

31 August 2019 43
Define BOM
Click here to
BOM Field References go back

 Operation Sequence: Assign your routing operation sequence on this Op.seq to assign your item to the specific
operation. This is used for Backflush transactions.
 Planning Percentage: This is where you define your planning percentage for your planning bill. MRP uses this
planning percentage for demand generation.
 Yield: The yield is the percentage of the component that survives the manufacturing process. A yield factor of 0.9
means that only 90% of the usage qty of the component on a bill actually survives to be incorporated into the
finished assembly.
 Supply Sub inventory and Locator: Work in Process pulls components from the supply sub inventory and the
locator within the sub inventory during back flushing. Assign a supply sub inventory and locator, if applicable, to
components that have a supply type of Assembly pull or Operation pull. You must specify a supply locator if you
have mandatory locator control for the supply sub inventory.
 Supply Type: This indicates how the supply is done, options are push (material is transacated manually),
OperationPull (Backflush happens when the job is moved through operation), Assembly Pull (Backflush happens
when the assembly is completed, Supply (Material is supplied by supplier).
 Mutually Exclusive and Optional: This is applicable for Model and Option class components. All components are
mandatory on Standard and Planning Bill. Pl refer the below diagram

31 August 2019 44
BOM – Fixed Component Usage
 Support for materials having fixed usage irrespective of the job size for discrete WIP job, OSFM lot-based jobs or
Flow manufacturing
 Accurate valuation of assembly cost where fixed quantities of materials are used for a job

In the Basis column on the Bill of Material, a component can be set as “Lot”. These components have a fixed
consumption quantity for any output quantity.

31 August 2019 45
Common BOM

(N) Navigation: BOM>BOM> Tools>Common Bill

 If two or more organizations manufacture the same item using the same bill of material, you can define the bill
in one organization and reference it from the other organizations. Necessary changes must then be made to
the referenced bill. You can create a common bill within the same organization, and across multiple
organizations. You have the option to create common bills in all organizations under the current organization
in the chosen organization hierarchy, or create common bills in all organizations that have the same item
master organization as the current organization and are accessible by the user responsibility. Sharing bills
across multiple organizations minimizes the maintenance of your bills of material.

31 August 2019 46
Define BOM

Many options available from Tools menu

 Create Common Bill
 Check for Loops
 Rollup Costs
 Rollup Lead Times
 ……………………………..

(N) Navigation: BOM>BOM>


31 August 2019 47

(N) Navigation: BOM>BOM>


 You can assign any number of substitute items to each bill component and you can assign the same
substitute item to more than one component. The substitute item quantity is the quantity needed to
replace the full component quantity. The quantity can differ from the component usage quantity.
 Planning bills and model, option class, and planning components cannot have substitute components.

31 August 2019 48
Reference Designators
(N) Navigation: BOM>BOM> Designators

 Reference designators are sequenced comments and instructions that pertain to a component. For
example, you may have drawings that clarify the assembly process for certain components, or further
instructions for the use of a large quantity of the same component. You can specify whether to assign
one reference designator for every usage of the component or assign any number of reference
designators to the component.
 Planning bills and model, option class, and planning components cannot have reference designators.

31 August 2019 49
BOM Attachments
(N) Navigation: BOM>BOM> Attachments

 You can attach documents to bills of material or to routing operations.

 You can attach text and files, such as spreadsheets, graphics, and OLE objects to bills of material,
engineering change orders, routings, routing revisions, and routing operations. For example, an
attached file may include comments, such as a graphical representation of the bill structure, or
detailed instructions and schematic diagrams for routing operations.

31 August 2019 50
Defining and Maintaining Lead Times Assembly : Make
Lead time

SubAssembly : Make
Cumulative Manufacturing
Lead time

Component : Buy
Cumulative Total
Lead time

Preprocessing Lead time

Processing Lead time

Postprocessing Lead time

Cumulative manufacturing lead time =

Manufacturing lead time for item +
Maximum [(cumulative manufacturing lead time for component - offset days) for any

31 August 2019 51
Defining and Maintaining Lead Times
Dynamic Manufacturing Lead Time
 Oracle Engineering computes the fixed and variable portions of manufacturing (processing) lead
time using routings and detailed scheduling
Calculating processing lead time for manufactured items
Fixed lead time
Variable lead time

31 August 2019 52
Defining and Maintaining Lead Times

31 August 2019 53
Defining and Maintaining Lead Times

31 August 2019 54
Defining and Maintaining Lead Times

31 August 2019 55
Defining and Maintaining Lead Times

Result of
Lead Time
Roll Up

31 August 2019 56
Calculate Manufacturing Lead Times

31 August 2019 57
Manufacturing Scheduling

31 August 2019 58
Manufacturing Scheduling

31 August 2019 59
Manufacturing Scheduling

31 August 2019 60
Detailed Scheduling

Job Start
date / time

Op Seq 10
Res Seq 1 Res Seq 2

Res Seq 2
Op Seq 20
Res Seq 1 Res Seq 3 Res Seq 4

Op Seq 30
Res Seq 1 Res Seq 2

Scheduled = Yes

Scheduled = Next Job

Scheduled = Prior
date / time
Scheduled = No

31 August 2019 61
E- Records

 Overview of Electronic Signature (e-signature) on Electronic Records (e-Records)

 The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issues new regulations for Quality Systems using computerized software
in the FDA code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 21 Part 11.

 In general, 21 CFR Part 11 describes the requirements that must be met when using e-records and e-signatures but
does not describe where they are required. They are left to the discretion of medical device manufacturers as where
to use e-records and which e-signature to be used.

 (More details are covered in the Oracle E- Records Implementation Guide).

31 August 2019 62
E- Records
CFR Part 11 and Oracle Bill of Materials
E-records and E-signatures for Oracle Bills of Material
The following table lists the Oracle Bills of Material events seeded in Oracle E-Records.

EVENT Online or Deferred E-Signature E-Record Includes Attachment

Bill Creation Online Yes

Bill Update Online Yes

Routing Creation Online Yes

Routing Update Online Yes

Mass Change Bills Online No

31 August 2019 63
Standard Reports & Online Inquires

31 August 2019 64
Indented Bills – Find Indented Bills

31 August 2019 65
Indented Bills - View

31 August 2019 66
Item Where Used

31 August 2019 67
Bill Comparison

31 August 2019 68
Bill Comparison

31 August 2019 69
Standard Reports
 Bill of Material Comparison
 Bill of Material Listing Report
 Bill of Material Loop Report
 Bill of Material Structure Report
 Bill of Material Parameter Report
 Consolidated Bill of Material
 Department Report
 Delete Items Report
 Item where used Report
 Resource Report
 Resource Where used Report
 Routing Report
 Standard Operation Report
 Workday exception sets Report

31 August 2019 70
BOM Tables , APIs/Interfaces

31 August 2019 71
Base Tables - Oracle Bill of Materials

31 August 2019 72





31 August 2019 73
ERD - Calendar



Other Important tables #CALENDAR_CODE

31 August 2019 74
Interfaces / API - Oracle Bill of Materials
Interface Tables




(Package = BOM_BO_PUB, Procedure = Process_BOM)

(Package = BOM_Rtg_PUB, Procedure = Process_Rtg)

31 August 2019 75
Sample Process Analysis Questions

31 August 2019 76
Sample Process Analysis Questions
1. How do you maintain your BOM Data?

2. How many levels of BOM do you currently have?

3. How do you validate you BOM data?

4. How do you handle your BOM Changes?

5. How is your operations defined?

6. How do you validate you lead times?

7. How often the BOM Data is changed and what is Changed?

8. How does you product structure look like?

9. Is your Final Assembly demand derived based on business strategy?

10. Do you share your resources between departments?

11. How many shifts does your business work?

12. Do you have your holiday list?

31 August 2019 77
A Simple Representation of a MODEL BOM
SCENARIO: Assembling a Computer to Customer Needs

Model = Desktop Computer

Total Levels = 3 (This is just an example)

Level 1:

31 August 2019 78
A Simple Representation of a MODEL BOM

31 August 2019 79
A Simple Representation of a MODEL BOM
Assumptions & Explanation for Level 2:


• CPU is a Mandatory Item along with every computer

• Key-Board is optional for the customer, but if wants to buy can only buy

either or the other.

• Monitor and Mouse, are Mandatory but customer can choose his model.


• CPU – Not choosing Optional and Mutually exclusive, makes it mandatory

component in a BOM and will go along with the computer.

• Key board - being a customer Optional, Optional check box is selected,

since only one model can be selected if agreed to buy, Mutually exclusive

check box is selected so that it with Joy stick is selected, the other

becomes inactive.

• Monitor and Mouse – Since this is mandatory along with computer, optional

box is unchecked and since he has to choose either or the other, mutually

exclusive is checked. 31 August 2019 80

A Simple Representation of a MODEL BOM

31 August 2019 81
A Simple Representation of a MODEL BOM
Explanation for Level 3:

• Monitor and Mouse are optional items, the various makes of these

components are marked as Optional.

• Every option out of this BOM will be a sub-assembly or Purchased Item or

Manufactured Finished goods.

This BOM can further grow based on the customer requirements, but made short for

understanding purpose. This is just an example and help you model your actual

business requirements using these combinations.


31 August 2019 82

31 August 2019 83
End Of Presentation

TCS Internal

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