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Marxism is a socioeconomic analysis

that views class relations and social
conflict using a materialistic
interpretation of historical
development and takes a dialectical
view of social transformation.It
originates from the works of 19th-
century German philosopher Karl
Notable Person in
Karl Marx
◦ A German philosopher,economist and political thinker who is
considered as the father of twentieth-century communism.
◦ He was a teacher and journalist before becoming a full-fledged
revolutionary writer.
◦ His work critique of capitalism,how it should be transformed so
that social inequalities will be abolished.
◦ His important works include the three volume capital(1867,1885,
and 1894)and the communist manifesto(1848)which he work
with Engles.
◦ He believe in the teleological theory of history based on the
belief that communism will eventually,triumph over capitalism.
Friedrich Engles
◦ A German socialist philosopher who served as the closest
collaborator of Marx.
◦ He published The condition of working class in 1845 and in
1848,he co-authored The Communist Manisfesto with Karl
◦ He edited the second and third volumes of the said book
after Marx’s death.
◦ He also organized Marx’s notes on the Theories of Surplus
Value which was later published as the fourth volume of
Vladimir Ilich Ulyanor(Lenin)

◦He was the founder of the organization known as

Comintern (Communist International) and the
posthumous source of “Leninism,” the doctrine
codified and conjoined with KarlMarx's works by
Lenin's successors to form Marxism-Leninism,
which became the Communist worldview.
3 Types Of
Historical Context
◦Classical Marxism
◦Outhodox Marxism
◦Neo-Marxism or
Modern Marxism
Classical Marxism
◦ It explains why socialism is meant to take the place of
◦ Marx was able to explain how society evolved from
primative communalism to capitalism.
Outhodox Marxism
◦It includes the understanding that material
development (advances in technology in the
productive forces) is the primary agent of change in
the structure of society and of human social
relations and that social systems and their relations
◦Example:feudalism, capitalism and so on.
Neo-Marxism or Modern
◦Neo-Marxists say that the ruling class label certain
members of the working class in order to gain benefits
themselves, this is called a “fully social theory of
◦the famous Italian descendant and the prisoner of
Benito Mussolini, Antonio Gramsci. And he is the
founding father of the European angle of Neo-
Basic concept of MARXISM

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