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Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA)

And Other techniques

What is CCA?
 “Commonly used by researchers trying to understand the
relationship between community composition and
environmental factors.”
 Or, more generally, comparing/testing one multivariate dataset
against a second one.
 Like DECORANA (the last presentation), it’s based off of
correspondence analysis (ordination technique).
CCA Purpose?
 To incorporate environmental data into the ordination so that
a better final ordination diagram can be created.
What’s needed (Part I)
1. Dependent matrix – contains data to be ordinated, usually
composed of population estimates for a bunch of species)
2. Environmental matrix – describes environmental
conditions. Must contain the same number of rows
(observations) as the species data, but must have fewer
columns than the number of observations.
 Just like correspondence analysis, an arching effect may be
found resulting in the second ordination axis “being a
distortion of the first.”
 We eliminated this previously using a detrended technique.
 In the same manner, CCA has detrended canonical
correspondence analysis (DCCA) that uses essentially the
same algorithm to terminate the second ordination axis and
eliminate the arch effect.
 “Canonical correspondance analysis can be considered to be a
form of direct ordination, although it is so much more
complicated than conventional examples of direct
ordination…being a hybrid of direct and indirect ordination.”
What’s needed (Part II)
 Data must be collected from the same place at the same time.
 Autoregressive error?
 If not collected together  error of pseudoreplication.
Pseudoreplication (Reteaching)
 I forgot.
 Let’s say we want to observe the effects of a drug on estrus
(monthly period cycle).
 Let n=100. n1 = 50, n2 = 50, n = n1 + n2
 Trt A, Trt B
 Have all mice in same room.
Problems with this design
 Inherent in this design are problems:
 Chemical cues for setting cycle.
 One mice influences the next.
 Like in colleges.
 Pseudoreplication, apparently independent, but not really,
Back to CCA
 End divergence.
 Definition:
 Whenever used in this field (multivariate analysis), means
something is being optimized against some other constraint.
The Steps
 The only major difference between (regular) correspondance
analysis and canonical is the addition of two steps.
Step 1 - CA
 Start with a random weighting. It’s pretty kosher to start
from 0.0  100.0 in whatever increments are needed.
 In our case, we’ll do (0,50,100) for (A, B, C)
 Use this formula for nth species rank:

n 1
100  | S  species
S 1
Step 2 - CA
 Use the starter weights (which are arbitrary essentially) and
compute a weighting for each of the years

Year Counts Counts Counts Y1

1 100 0 0 --> 0.0
2 90 10 0 --> 5.0
3 80 20 5 --> 14.3
4 60 35 10 --> 26.2 0 100  50  0  100  0
5 50 50 20 --> 37.5  0.0 | Year1
6 40 60 30 --> 46.2 100  0  0
7 20 30 40 --> 61.1
8 5 20 60 --> 82.4
9 0 10 75 --> 94.1
10 0 0 90 --> 100.0
Step 3
 We can now calculate a new weighting for each species using
these new year weightings.
0 100  5  90  14.3  80  ...  0  94.9  0 100
 19.1
100  90  ...  20  5
 Calculate similarly for B, C

Old weightings for


S10 0 50 100
S1a 19.1 43.9 78.5
New calculated
weightings for
Step 4
 These new weightings for each species though aren’t that
useful, so we need to rescale them back to 0  100, instead
of currently 19.1  78.5.
 So, to do this, simply use a logical rescaling method.
S1a 19.1 43.9 78.5

100  ( S1a  MIN )

S1b 
Step 4 cont.
 So, after computing the rescaled values, we find the

S10 0 50 100 S1a 19.1 43.9 78.5

S1b 0.00 41.75 100.00

Step 5
 This is now one cycle of the CA completed.
 “Weightings for each year are recalculated using the new,
rescaled weightings for the species.”
 Eventually a stable patter will emerge.
 10-20 iterations.
CA vs. CCA
 Start with arbitrary but
unequal site scores
 Calculate species scores as
weighted average of site scores
 Calculate new site scores as
Perform multiple regression of site
weighted average of species scores on environmental variables
scores. Use multiple regression to derive
 Standardize new predicted values.

 Stop if acceptable; otherwise

iterate from step 2
Other Techniques
 There are many other techniques that are available for multivariate analysis.
 FA
 Procustes Rotation
 Canonical Correlation Analysis
 Similar to CCA.
 Continuation of the progression from bivariate to multiple
linear regression.
 Bivariate = 1 independent to explain 1 dependent
 Multivariate = n independent to explain 1 dependent
 Canonical = n independent to explain m dependent
COR (cont.)
 Major difference in limitations:
 (Number of species + environmental variables) < number of
sites. //COR
 Weaker requirement for CCA
 (Number of environmental variables alone < number of
observations. //CCA
 Both result in similar outputs. CCA is preferred. (easier
limitations to meet on allowable number of variables).
 Canonical Variates Analysis
 Purpose: generate a score for each inidvidual, which, using a
1 way anova by category would return the highest possible F
 Maximize variance within dataset  hence canonical.
 Limitations: multivariate normality, categories need to be
known a priori.
 Factor Analysis is used as a synonym for PCA (Principal
component analysis) in the US
 How it began:
 School students – scores in Classics, French, English, Math,
Discrimination of Pitch, and Music
 Abilities in each due to smaller number of fundamental skills
 Derive absolute parameter estimates.
FA (cont.)
j p
X j   ( F1   j1 ...  Fm   jm )   j
j 1
Fn = value of nth factor
Lamdajn= loading variable j on factor n
ej = residual for variable j
P = number of variables
M = number of factors
FA (cont)
 FA becomes an eigenvector problem hence Similar to PCA
(eigenanalysis of correlation matrix).

 “…the results are…difficult to interpret and based on

assumptions that are probably invalid.”
 “FA is not worth the time necessary to understand and
perform it.” (Hills 1977)
 Multidimensional Scaling
 Takes square matrix of distances between individuals and
recreates maps
 Discussed previously
 Multiresponse Permutation Procedure
 Assesses the probability that two or more groups consisting
of multivariate data differ
 Different from normal mulivariate ANOVA in that it’s non-
parametric  can be used on biological data without
worrying about multivariate normality
 Multivariate Analysis of Covariance
 Multivariate equivlent of ANOVA
 Assumption of normality
 Lacks non-parametric test though
 Multivariate ANOVA
 Analagous to univariate ANOVA  provides estimate of the
probability that the observed patter arises from random data.
 Each mean is treated as a coordinate in multivariate space.
 Used specifically in assessing whether “an overall response has
occurred, but will not identify which variables contributed to
treatments if significance is found.”
 Requires normality, or else.
 Or else use MRPP
 Non-metric multidimensional scaling
 Ordinal scaling
 Square distance matrix  map reconstructed
 Differs from other multivariate techniques
NMS, NMDS (cont)
 Differs from other multivariate techniques
 Uses only one distance measure derived from ranked
differences between individuals.
 So, can be used with non-normal, discontinuous or questionable
 Ordinations axes will differ according to how many axes are
 Where two or more ordination axes are requested, the first axis
need not be more important than the second or higher axes. 
axis numbering is arbitrary.
 A lot of subjectivity in the technique in choice of axis, hence
not used that often.
Procrustes Rotation
 Compares two different ordinations applied to the same data.
 Has m2 statistic (residual sum of squares) to assess after
Procrustes operations have been applied.
 No significance test
 No clear guildelines to interpret m2 values
Procrustes Rotation
 Named is derived from Greek mythology.
 Inn keeper who ensured al his customers fittyed perfectly to
his bed by stretching them or chopping their feet off.
 Redundancy Analysis
 Derivative or PCA with bonus feature
 Values entered into analysis aren’t original data but the best-fit
values estimated from a multiple linear regression between each
variable and second matrix of environmental data.
 Thus, this is a canonical version of PCA
 Constrained to optimally correlate with another dataset.
 Interpretation is by biplot
 Collinearity, which is likely in biological data, makes
canonical coefficients unreliable.
 RDA = technique that underlies PRC
 Principal response curves
 1999, New technique
 Derived from RDA and specfically intended to help interpret
planned experiements on biological communities.
 Two treatments, one is a control
 Reapeated sampling
 <not enough details>

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