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First Aid

From : BSMM Detactment 88A

Being a First Aider
Doing Your Best
A casualty may not respond as you hoped, some conditions
are inevitably fatal, even with the best medical care.
Assessing Risk
First do no harm,
Calculated risk,
Do not use treatments that are not sure about, just for the
sake of doing something.
Your Responsibility
– Talk to casualty-reassure him
and obtain information about
his condition
– Treat casualty-in position
– By stander –may able to help
in giving first aid
Giving Care with confidence
Being in control both of
your own reaction & of the
Acting calmly &logically,
Being gentle but firm,
Speaking to casualty kindly
but in clear& purposeful
Building up Trust,
Talking to relatives,
Coping with children
Looking after yourself
Personal safety -Do not put yourself at
The fight or flight response- increase heart
rate& breathing, sweating,
Staying calm-remember first aid

Feelings after an accident

Satisfaction & pleasure,
Confusion & doubt,
Anger & sadness.
– Recording first aid treatment
name, address, occupation, date& time, place
&circumstance of accident, details concerning&
treatment given .
– Actions at an Emergency
Assess the situation,
Make the area safe,
Give emergency aid,
Get help from others.
 Oral Temperature >37.2.C, Ear drum T >37.7.C,
 Is a sign of disease and occurs in response to infection(mainly viral)
 Abrupt onset of fever with chill and rigor is a feature of some disease.
 Paracetamol 500mg 2 tablets 3-4x/day
 High fever- Tepid sponging for first 30minutes combined with Paracetamol.
 Adequate fluid intake /increased fluid 2-3Litre/day-frequent small drinks of light
 Dress in light clothing, do not over heat with too many clothes
Bruising /Abrasions/ Lacerations
Bruising- (contusion) caused by a blunt force trauma that damages tissue under the skin,
bleeding in subcutaneous or deeper tissue while leaving the skin basically intact.

Abrasions (grazes)- superficial wounds in which the topmost layer of the skin (the epidermis) is
scraped off, common with motor vehicle accident.

Lacerations - Lacerations, irregular tear-like wounds caused by some blunt trauma.

 RICE- Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (large Bruises/Haematomas)
 Clean /remove all ground - in dirt, metal,clothing and other
 Scrub out dirt with sterile water
 Clean with Acraflavine solution,apply protective dressing(some
wound may left open
 Immobilise a joint that may be affected by a deep wound( eg. Arm
 Analgesic- Paracetamol/Ponstan
Musculoskeletal Injury/Pain(PRICE)
-Can apply for Sports Injury/MVA
Common Cold-Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (Flu)
 Tiredness
 Running nose, Sneezing • Rest
 Sore throat • Drink ample amount of Water
 Slight Fever • Stop Smoking
• Steamed Inhalation-with
 Others—Headache, Menthol
Hoarseness, Cough • Medicines-Paracetamol, cough
syrup…Bena Expectorant
Asthma Attack-Action
Allow Casualty to use reliever(blue) inhaler -S/s-difficulty
breath/speak , wheeze, grey-blue lips & skin, exhaustion
Make casualty comfortable- sitting forwards & supporting upper
body by leaning arms
Encourage casualty to breath slowly –if attack not ease within
1-3min,encourage to take another dose inhaler to breath slowly&
 For adults/children > 4 years old- 4 puff in every 20minutes(first hour)
 (One puff actuation at atime,4-5 normal breaths each time)
Severe bleeding-Eg.MVA
 Apply pressure to wound -direct pressure to wound , pad before
 Raise & support injured part -raise above heart
 Wound bandage -secure bandage firmly, check circulation
 Dial for Ambulance
 Treat for shock , monitor casualty -vital signs-level of response,
pulse, breathing
Cool Burn -pour cold liquid/water for 10mins
Watch for smoke inhalation- difficult
Remove any constrictions-put glove, do not
apply lotion, ointment, do not touch , do not
remove sticks to burn
Cover Burn -dressing
Refer to Hospital
• Awareness for Signs of
• Frequent passage of
– Sunken eyes,dry skin, skin turger,
loose/watery stools
peripheral pulse, reduce Blood
(lack of mineral salts and Pressure(hypotension)
water inside our bodies) • Fluid Replacement
– ORS, Increased fluid
intake…coconut water, fruit juice,
Anxiety /Hyperventilation/Panic Attack
• Anxiety- worry about various life circumstances
• Hyperventilation- lightheadedness, dizziness, aerophagy, hand
spasm(numb), sweating, palpitation
• Panic Attack (Discrete period of intense fear or discomfort) -SOB,
unsteady feeling, palpitation, shaking, uncontrolled fear of doing
something, +/- chest pain and numbness
For Anxiety and Panic Attack:
Use non-medication methods
Explanation, reassurance
Coping skills, stress management
For Hyperventilation:
breathe in and out of paper bag
Stop excessive taking of coffee and smoking
Carta Alir Rawatan Di Kolej



Rawatan awal di tempat

Rawatan lanjut Tidak SERIUS
di Bilik Rawatan Ya
Masa Telefon Dr.
Lain Oncall

Bawa ke Pusat Rawatan oleh Doktor

Kesihatan UKM
Penggunaan Ubat-Ubatan
Zellox suspension-sakit gastric,minum sebanyak 15ml( 2 -3penutup botol)
x3 kali/hari,
Actal/ GELUSIL tab.-sakit gastric, 2bijix3 kali/hari
Panadol –sakit kepala, badan sakit, demam-500mg 2 biji x3-4 kail/hari,
Ponstan 250mg-sakita kepala,badan, senggunggut dan sakit lain-con: terseliuh, 2
biji x 3 kal
Ultracarbon/Eucarbon- Keracunan makanan ringan& cirit- birit, 1 bijix3 kali/hari,

ORS(Oral Rehydration Solution) - 250ml air masak/mineral bagi sebungkus,

Menzza cream -sakit otot, sendi,terseliuh & kekejangan otot- sapukan

Burnol plus cream - luka kecil, ruam,melecet dan gigitan serangga-sapukan

Flavine/Acraflavine lotion - antiseptic,luka sahaja

Calamine lotion - alergi kulit,ruam& kulit gatal

Relay Bandage
• Andoh Besar
•Pembalutan kulit kepala
•Pembalutan mata
•Pembalutan telinga
•Pembalutan bahu
•Pembalutan tapak tangan (melintang )
•Pembalutan untuk tulang paha patah
• Two hand seat carry
• Four hand seat carry
Using stretcher
• Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is an
emergency procedure, performed in an effort
to manually preserve intact brain function
until further measures are taken to restore
spontaneous blood circulation and breathing
in a person in cardiac arrest.
Now is your

Carry out CPR

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