Media Information Learning

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Media and Information

Communication- It is the directed and purposeful exchange of information and
messages between people or groups of people by speaking, writing, gestures, and

Messages- refer to any form of communication passed or transmitted using a channel.

Goes further by saying that it is a collection of symbols that appear
purposefully organized to those sending or receiving them.

Interpersonal Communication- refers to the communication between two persons,

whether they are verbal or non-verbal.

Mass Communication- it is the term commonly used to refer to communication systems

that are configured to create, produce, and disseminate media texts to mass audiences.
-Newspapers, radio, television, and films.
-there is no immediate feedback between the source and the receiver.
Interpersonal communication- A form of communication that
involves two to three individuals interacting through the use
of their voices and bodies.

Mediated interpersonal communication- it is the use of

devices such as pen, telephone, or computer. Technology
stands in between the parties communicating and becomes
the channel by which the message is sent or received.

Organizational communication- referred to as an interaction

which people communicate differently in a working
Public communication- involves one person
communicating to a large number of people.
Eight elements that constitute
the creation of a message
Source- it is where the message came from. It can be a person or an
Encoding- the process by which a message is translated so it can be
transmitted and communicated to another party. It is how you compose your
sentence as you communicate.
Transmitting- the actual act of sending the message.
Channels- the lines that enable the act of sending or transmitting.
Decoding- the transmitted impulses are converted to signs as the brain
perceives and processes it. It translates the source’s thoughts and ideas so they
can have a meaning.
Receiver- it is the one who gets the message that was transmitted
through the channels. The receiver can be an individual or organization.
Feedback- It is the response generated by the message that was sent to
the receiver. It can either be immediate or delayed.

Noise Interference- it is known as noise. Noise maybe treated both

literally and figuratively.
AD 100- The first Christians invented the codex, a document which can be rightfully referred
to as the prototype of a book.
15 century- Papyrus to paper
Johannes (Johann )Gutenberg- invented the printing technology called movable type
The Bible was on of Gutenberg’s earliest and most famous creation.
The Boxer Code- is a manuscript written around 1594 which contains illustrations of
Filipinos at the time of their initial encounter with the Spaniards.
Doctrina Cristiana- the first book printed in the Philippines, atreatise on the teachings of
the Roman Catholic Church- written by Fray Juan Plasencia.
Nation-States and the Rise of Newspapers
It was in England that the first newspaper was reportedly produced.
(1700) Free press- independent from the control of the government.
McQuial(1983) cites that the newspaper is more significant innovation than the book.
Defining Features of a newspaper:
Regular appearance, commercial circulation, serving multiple purposes( information,
education, entertainment, advertising, diversion, and even gossip), and public character.
(Turrow) Adversarial press- defined as a press that had the ability to conduct dialogue and
even argue with the government.
The development of the steam engine gave rise to the steam-powered cylinder press,
which dramatically lowered the cost of newspapers.
December 1, 1846- La Esperanza, the first daily newspaper, was published in the
Nation-States and the Rise of Newspapers
Other early newspapers:
Diario de Manila (1848)
Boletin Oficial de Filipinas (1852)
La Solidaridad, published in Spain in 1889, was one of the most popular newspapers in
(January 18, 1896) Ang Kalayaan- the official revolutionary newspapers of the KKK.
From Static to Moving Images
George Eastman- invented the film and built a company that would be known as Kodak.
Thomas Edison and William Dickson- turned the use of the photographic film into a
material that can be moved in front of a lens at a constant speed to result into several
Louis and Augusto Lumiere- developed the technology of film projectors.
Edison improve the technology developed by the Lumiere brothers.
Vitascope- was on public debut in New York, where entitled Rough Sea at Dover by Robert
In 1907, the word “television” was already used in a magazine called the Scientific
1928- the first telecast of a television program took place.
1930- the Radio Corporation of America introduced electric scanning, a much improved
technology from the mechanical scanning.
From Static to Moving Images
1939- US President Franklin D. Roosevelt became the first president to appear on the tube.
In Germany, the Nazi authorities operated the world’s first regular television service, using
it as a platform for propaganda.
(1946) American engineer James Lindenberg began assembling transmitters in Bolinao,
Teamed up with Antonio Quirino and established the Alto Broadcasting System.
October 23, 1953- first official telecast of ABS.
The Rise of New Media
Traditional media:
Books, newspaper, magazine, sound recording, radio, television, and film.
By 1953, IBM has already shipped its first electronic computers called 701 in the industry.
By 1969, the ARPANET was created and considered as the predecessor of the internet.
Created by the US military, Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) to serve as a
ground for networking technologies that will link military to various federal agencies.
Internet in the Philippines
Bulletin Board System(BBS)- a computer system running a software that allows user to
connect and exchange messages and information using a terminal program.
IBM XT Clone OC w/ a modem that ran on 1200 bpm. Subscription fees ran as high as Php
1000 per month.
March 29, 1994- The Philippines was formally connected to the Internet using PLDT
network center in Makati City.

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