Existentialism: On Freedom

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Existentialism (/ˌɛɡzɪˈstɛnʃəlɪzəm/)] is the philosop
hical study that begins with the human subject—no
t merely the thinking subject, but the acting, feeling
, living human individual. It is associated mainly wit
h certain 19th 20th-century European philosophers
who, despite profound doctrinal differences share
d the belief in that beginning of philosophical thinki
A philosophical theory or approach whi
ch emphasizes the existence of the invi
dual person as a free and respomsible a
gent determining their own developmen
t through acts of the will.
 Is a philosophy that emphasizes indivi
dual existence, freedom and choice.
Soren kierkegaard
Søren Kierkegaard is generally considered to have
been the first existentialist philosopher, though he
did not use the term existentialism. He proposed th
at each individual—not society or religion—is solel
y responsible for giving meaning to life and living it
passionately and sincerely, or "authentically".
A french philosopher emphasizes the imp
ortance of free individual choice, regardle
ss of the power of other people to infuenc
e and coerce our desires, beliefs, and de

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