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Kay Sunderland:

Making The Grade

at Attain Learning
ACHIN ROY (281118)
DHRUV BEDI (281193)
Key Issues

 The management and work style of Kay Sunderland is different with

that of Mike Morgan which is creating conflict
 Less bandwidth and a tight deadline of the project associated with
Grameen Equipment Company which prompts Mike and his team
to overtime to meet the deadline
 Mike Morgan’s decision of directly contacting Nunez, Sunderland’s
most important client without her consent, which might jeopardise
the relation the firm has with its client
Decision Problem

 The tactics that Kay must take in order to resolve the situation with
both the client and her colleague Morgan
Kay Sunderland’s Management &
Work Style
 Kay’s management style is formal and efficient, always setting
expectations at the outset of a project
 Given the job profile she has, she is more relationship oriented
 She has a great strategic mind-set and provides insightful critiques
and suggestions
 Somewhat inflexible and can be overly demanding some times
 A bit of control freak and doesn’t like to be challenged
Mike Morgan’s Management &
Work Style
 He is a creative person and values Creativity
 He is quite enterprising and takes complete ownership of his tasks
 His management and work style is of a supporter and partner which
has led to loyalty in his staff
 He is not afraid of pitching in whenever needed
 He wants more freedom and trust from Kay
The Relationship between Mike
Morgan and Kay Sunderland
Kay Sunderland Mike Morgan
Conventional and investigative Artistic, realistic and enterprising
Rigid in requirements Often has to strike balance between
competing interests and priorities
More relationship oriented More task oriented
More focused on delivering everything Feels the roadmap suggested by the
the client has asked for client is a bit unrealistic
Admires Mike’s talent but doesn’t like Wants more autonomy from Kay
his arguments which clash with her
own ideas
How to Resolve the Issue

 Call Juan and assure him of Attain’s commitment to Grameen and try
to pacify his anger
 Immediately set up a meeting with Mike and make him aware of the
current developments. She should hear out Mike and then make him
understand that losing out Grameen will not be in the best interest for
anyone. Hence, it is important for Mike to not draw any unnecessary fire
from the client and follow the conventions since the matter has gone
out of hand.
 She should also keep Chama looped in and inform him of the
 She should also be swift in her actions so that the matter can be
brought under control immediately without causing any further

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