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Pengantar Teknik Elektro

Kuliah I - Pendahuluan

Achmad Hidayatno
Pengantar Teknik Elektro
Dosen :
1. Ir. Agung Warsito, DHET (T. Tenaga Listrik,T.
Elektronika, T. Telekomunikasi)
2. Sumardi, ST,MT (T. Kontrol, T. Informatika )
Materi PTE
• Pertemuan 1&2  umum AW
• Pertemuan 3&4  Telkom  AW
• Pertemuan 5&6  T. Tenaga Listrik  AW
• Pertemuan 7&8  T.Elektronika S
Pertemuan 9&10 T. Kontrol  S
• Pertemuan 11&12  T. Informasi S
Sistem Evaluasi
Penilaian :
1. UTS :
2. UAS : 40% - 50%
3. TUGAS : 50% - 40%
Aturan Perkuliahan
• Busana mahasiswa sopan rapi, mahasiswa tidak
boleh :
– 1. Pakai kaos tanpa kerah
– 2. Sandal
• Tidak boleh menggunakan
HP/SmartPhone/Gadget/dan sejenisnya selama
kuliah berlangsung.
• Tidak boleh makan dan minum selama kuliah
Pendidikan Strata 1
Pengenalan pada
Engineering (Rekayasa)
Definisi Engineering
• Engineering is the creative application of scientific
principles :
– to design or develop structures (bangunan), machines
(mesin), apparatus (peralatan),
– or manufacturing processes (membuat dg tangan
– or works utilizing them singly or in combination;
– or to construct or operate the same with full cognizance
of their design;
– or to forecast their behavior under specific operating
– all as respects an intended function, economics of
operation and safety to life and property .
Definisi Engineering
• Engineering is
– the discipline and profession of applying
technical and scientific knowledge
– and utilizing natural laws and physical
– in order to design and implement materials,
structures, machines, devices, systems, and
processes that realize a desired objective and
meet specified criteria
• One who practices engineering is called an
Definisi Engineering
• An engineer is a person who is
professionally engaged in a field of
• Engineers are concerned with :
– developing economical and safe
solutions to practical problems,
– by applying mathematics and scientific
knowledge while considering technical
Awal Mula Rekayasa
Traveling Through the Ages:
• 1200 SM – 1M
– Quality of wrought iron is improved
– Swords are mass produced
– Siege towers are perfected
– Greeks develop manufacturing
– Archimedes memperkenalkan matematika di
– Concrete is used for arched bridges, roads and
aqueducts in Rome.
Traveling Through the Ages
• Chinese further develop the study of
• Gunpowder is perfected
• Cotton and silk manufactured
Traveling Through the Ages:
• Silk and glass industries continue to grow
• Leonardo Fibinacci, a medieval
mathematician, writes the first Western text
on algebra
Traveling Through the Ages:
• First toilet is invented in England
• Galileo constructs a series of telescopes, with which
he observes the rotation about the sun
• Otto von Guerick first demonstrates the existence of
a vacuum
• Issac Newton constructs first reflecting telescopes
• Boyle’s Gas Law, stating pressure varies inversely with
volume, is first introduced.
Traveling Through the Ages:
• Industrial Revolution begins in Europe
• James Watt patents his first steam engine
• Society of Engineers, a professional
engineering society, is formed in London
• First building made completely of cast iron
built in England
• Prior to 1800
– 1751 – Book Experiments and Observations on Electricity by
Benjamin Franklin
– 1757–1775 – Benjamin Franklin's Work in London
– 1799 – Volta's Electrical Battery Invention
• 1800–1850
– 1836 – Callan's Pioneering Contributions to Electrical Science and
– 1828–1837 – Schilling's Pioneering Contribution to Practical Telegraphy
– 1838 – Demonstration of Practical Telegraphy
• 1850–1870
– 1852 – Electric Fire Alarm System
– 1861–1870 – Maxwell's Equations
– 1861 – Transcontinental Telegraph
– 1866 – Landing of the Transatlantic Cable
– 1866 – County Kerry Transatlantic Cable Stations
• 1876 – First Intelligible Voice Transmission over Electric Wire
• 1876 – First Distant Speech Transmission in Canada
• 1876 – Thomas Alva Edison Historic Site at Menlo Park
• 1882 – Vulcan Street Plant
• 1882 – First Central Station in South Carolina
• 1884 - First AIEE Technical Meeting
• 1886 – Alternating Current Electrification (demonstrated by
William Stanley, Jr.)
• 1887 –
Thomas A. Edison West Orange Laboratories and Factories
• 1888 – Richmond Union Passenger Railway
• 1889 – Power System of Boston's Rapid Transit
• dan seterusnya …..
• 1890 - Branly Coherer
• 1891 – Ames Hydroelectric Generating Plant
• 1893 - Battery Industries in Japan
• 1893 – Mill Creek No. 1 Hydroelectric Plant
• 1895 – Popov's Contribution to the Development of
Wireless Communication
• 1895 – Adams Hydroelectric Generating Plant
• 1895 – Marconi's Early Wireless Experiments
• 1895 – Krka-Šibenik Electric Power System
• 1897 – Chivilingo Hydroelectric Plant
• 1898 – Decew Falls Hydro-Electric Plant
• 1898 – Early Developments in Remote-Control
(demonstrated by Nikola Tesla)
Kelas : dibagi menjadi 10…. kelompok

Setiap kelompok membuat tulisan yang menjelaskan sebuah

penemuan teknologi elektro. Dalam tulisan tersebut harus memuat:
-Tahun ditemukannya
-Nama Penemunya
-Disiplin Ilmu Penemu
-Prinsip Kerjanya
-Kegunaannya (Aplikasinya saat ini)

Tulisan tersebut diketik dan dicetak, dan dikumpulkan beserta file

dalamCD,satu kelas satu CD, paling lambat sebelum kuliah 2
minggu berikutnya.
Tiap kelompok penemunya tidak boleh sama.!!!!
The History of the Disciplines
• Aerospace Eng. • Computer Eng.

• Agricultural Eng. • Electrical Eng.

• Chemical Eng. • Industrial Eng.

• Civil Eng. • Mechanical Eng.

• Jafar


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