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Business Ethics

# 2

Copyright 2012 Pearson
Pearson Education,
Education, Inc. 2-1
Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Ethics in the Workplace

• Ethics
– beliefs about what is right and wrong or good
and bad in actions that affect others
• Business ethics
– refers to ethical or unethical behaviors by
employees in the context of their jobs

Copyright 2012 Pearson
Pearson Education,
Education, Inc. 2-2
Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Ethics in the Workplace (cont.)

• Ethical behavior • Unethical behavior

– behavior that – behavior that
conforms to conforms to
individual beliefs individual beliefs and
and social norms social norms about
about what’s right what is defined as
and good wrong and bad

Copyright 2012 Pearson
Pearson Education,
Education, Inc. 2-3
Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Business and Managerial Ethics

• Managerial Ethics
• standards of behavior that guide individual
managers in their work

Behavior toward Employees

Behavior toward the Organization

Behavior toward Other Economic


Copyright 2012 Pearson
Pearson Education,
Education, Inc. 2-4
Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Assessing Ethical Behavior

1. Gather the relevant factual information

2. Analyze the facts to determine the most
appropriate moral values
3. Make an ethical judgment based on how
right or wrong the proposed activity or
policy is.

Copyright 2012 Pearson
Pearson Education,
Education, Inc. 2-5
Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Ethical Norms

1. Utility
– Does a particular act optimize the benefits to
those who are affected by it? (That is, do all
relevant parties receive “fair” benefits?)
2. Rights
– Does it respect the rights of all individuals

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Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Ethical Norms (cont.)

4. Justice
– Is it consistent with what’s fair?
5. Caring
– Is it consistent with people’s responsibilities
to each other?

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Model of Ethical Judgment Making

Copyright 2012 Pearson
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Company Practices and Business Ethics

Two of the most common approaches to

formalizing top management commitment to
ethical business practices:
•Adopting written codes
•Instituting ethics programs

Copyright 2012 Pearson
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Core Principles and Organizational Values

Copyright 2012 Pearson
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Social Responsibility (Tanggungjawab Sosial)

• Social responsibility
• Upaya menyeimbangkan komitmen
organisasi bagi kelompok dan individu
(stakeholder) dalam masyarakat

• Organizational Stakeholders
• Setiap individu atau kelompok yang secara langsung
dipengaruhi oleh praktik-praktik organisasi dan,
karenanya, memiliki kepentingan dalam kinerjanya

Copyright 2012 Pearson
Pearson Education,
Education, Inc. 2-11
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Major Corporate Stakeholders

Copyright 2012 Pearson
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Education, Inc. 2-12
Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
The Stakeholder Model of Responsibility

• Customers
• Memperlakukan pelanggan secara adil dan jujur
• Employees
• Memperlakukan karyawan secara adil dan menghormati
martabat mereka dan kebutuhan dasar manusia
• Investors
• Mengikuti prosedur akuntansi yang ada; memberikan informasi
kepada pemegang saham tentang kinerja keuangan perusahaan
• Suppliers
• Membuat aturan kemitraan yang saling menguntungkan dengan
• Local and International Communities
• Keterlibatan dalam program dan kegiatan amal

Copyright 2012 Pearson
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Education, Inc. 2-13
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Tanggungjawab terhadap Pelanggan (Customers)

• Consumer rights
– Consumerism – aktivitas sosial yang ditujukan
untuk melindungi hak dari konsumen.
• Unfair pricing
– Collusion – kolaborasi 2 pihak/lebih untuk
menetapkan harga.
– Price gouging: Menanggapi permintaan yang
meningkat dengan menaikkan harga terlalu
tinggi tanpa alasan

Copyright 2012 Pearson
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Education, Inc. 2-14
Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Tanggungjawab terhadap Karyawan

• Menyediakan peluang untuk

menyeimbangkan antara beban kerja dan
kualitas hidup.
• Membantu karyawan untuk memelihar dan
meningkatkan job skills-nya.
• Memberhentikan karyawan dengan
• Tidak ada diskriminasi kerja baik gender,
suku, agama, maupun ras.
Copyright 2012 Pearson
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Education, Inc. 2-15
Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
The Stakeholder Model of Responsibility

• Suppliers
– Menciptakan kerjasama yang saling
menguntungkan dengan pemasok/suplier.
• Local and International Communities
– Keterlibatan perusahaan dalam program dan
pengembangan masyarakat baik lokal hingga

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Contemporary Social Consciousness

• The Concept of Accountability

• Harapan terhadap perluasan peran organisasi
bisnis dalam melindungi dan meningkatkan
kesejahteraan masyarakat umum

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Tanggungjawab terhadap Lingkungan

• Air pollution / polusi Udara

• Water pollution / polusi terhadap air
• Land pollution / polusi tanah
– Toxic waste disposal (pembuangan limbah
berbahaya dan beracun)
– Recycling (daur ulang)

Copyright 2012 Pearson
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The Elements of Green Marketing

Copyright 2012 Pearson
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Education, Inc. 2-19
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Consumer Bill of Rights

Copyright 2012 Pearson
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Education, Inc. 2-20
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Tanggungjawab terhadap Investor

• Insider trading
– Penggunaan informasi yang bersifat rahasia
untuk memperoleh keuntungan dari
pembelian/penjualan saham.
• Misrepresentation of finances
- pelaporan keuangan yang tidak tepat

Copyright 2012 Pearson
Pearson Education,
Education, Inc. 2-21
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Pendekatan Social Responsibility

Copyright 2012 Pearson
Pearson Education,
Education, Inc. 2-22
Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Pendekatan Social Responsibility

• Obstructionist Stance
• Sebuah perusahaan melaksanakan
sesedikit mungkin tanggungjawab sosial,
dan mungkin mencoba untuk menolak atau
menutupi pelanggaran yang dilakukannya.
• Defensive Stance
– Sebuah perusahaan melaksanakan
semuanya yang diatur secara legal tetapi
tidak lebih

Copyright 2012 Pearson
Pearson Education,
Education, Inc. 2-23
Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Pendekatan Social Responsibility

• Accommodative Stance
• Sebuah perusahaan melaksanakan sesuai
ketentuan hukum dan etika serta dapat
memberikan lebih dari yang diatur
• Proactive Stance
• Sebuah perusahaan secara aktif berusaha
untuk memberikan kontribusi pada
kesejahteraan kelompok dan individu

Copyright 2012 Pearson
Pearson Education,
Education, Inc. 2-24
Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Social Responsibility Usaha Kecil

• Untuk perusahaan kecil, isu mengenai

etika seringkali dikaitkan denga etika
individu dari pemilik.
• Tetapi pertanyaan mengenai social
responsibility, seharusnya mereka dapat
bertanya pada diri mereka bila mereka
dapat mencapai agenda-agenda yang
bersifat sosial.

Copyright 2012 Pearson
Pearson Education,
Education, Inc. 2-25
Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Top 25 Corporate Foundations

Copyright 2012 Pearson
Pearson Education,
Education, Inc. 2-26
Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
The Government and Social Responsibility

• Regulation
– Taturan dan ketentuan hukum yang mengatur
apa yang organisasi “boleh” dan “tidak boleh”
dilakukan .
• Legal Compliance
– Organisasi harus tunduk pada aturan lokal,
nasional dan internasional.
• Ethical Compliance
– Anggota organisai harus mengikuti standar
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• Philanthropic giving
– Aktivitas mendanai atau memberikan
penghargaan kepada masyarakat/komunitas.
• Corporate Social Audit
– Analisis sistematik keberhasilan perusahaan
menggunakan dana CSR untuk memenuhi
tujuan social responsibility.

Copyright 2012 Pearson
Pearson Education,
Education, Inc. 2-28
Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

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