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 Indian National Committee for Space Research
established in1962 by the efforts of
independent India’s first prime.
 Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai founded India’s
program after envisioning India satellites that
could provide communications, meteorology,
remote sensing, and direct-to-home television
Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai was an
Indian scientist and innovator or
widely regarded as the father of
Indian’s space programme. He
founded the Physical Research Laboratory, the Space
Science Research Institute, the Dept. of Space, and
the Indian Space Research Organization .
Satish Dhawan was an Indian
aerospace engineer, widely regarded as
the father of experimental fluid
dynamics research in India. Born in
Srinagar, Satish dhawan was another
early developed of india’s space
program. He was the longest serving
director of the Indian Institute of
 The Indian Space Research Organization(ISRO)
is the space agency of the Govt. of Indian
headquartered in the city of Bengaluru.
 Its vision is to “harness space technology for
national development, while pursuing space
research and planetary exploration.
 ISRO buits India’s first satellite, Aryabhata,
which was launched by Soviet Union on 19
April 1975.
 In 1980, Rohini was to become the first satellite
to be placed in orbit by an Indian-made launch
vehicle, SLV-3.
 ISRO subsequently developed two other
rockets: the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle
(PSLV) for launching satellite into Polar orbits
and the Geosynchronous Satellite launch
Vehicle (GSLV) for placing satellites into
geostationary orbits.
 ISRO successfully send one lunar orbiter,
Chandrayaan-1, on 22 Oct 2008.
 ISRO uses Sriharikota range launch pad which
is the second-best located spaceport in the
world, next to the kennedy space centre in the
 And also one Mars orbiter, Mars Orbiter
Mission, which successfully entered Mars orbit
on 24 Sep 2014.
 India has launched more than 50 satellites of
various types since its first attempt in 1975.
Satellites have been launched from various
vehicles, including American, Russian,
european, and the U.S. Space Shuttle. The
organization responsible for Indian satellites is
the Indian Space Research Organization(ISRO).
 India’s space agency has successful launch the
record-breaking 104 nano satellite into orbit, al
onboard rocket.
 The polar Satellite Launch Vehicle spaceflight
by isro are among the cheapest possible ways
of putting satellite into orbit. Antrix is the
commercial wing of isro
 In India all launches are subsidized therefore
isro is now become a big market of launching
of satellite
• 1962- Indian national committee for space research
(INCOSPAR) formed y the dept. of atomic energy
and work on establishing Thumba Equatorial Rocket
Launching Station(TERLS) started.
• 1963- First sounding rocket launched from TERLS(Nov
• 1965- Space Science &Technology Centre (SSTC)
established in Thumba.
• 1967- Satellite Telecommunication Earth Station set
up at Ahemedabad.
 1968- TERLS dedicated to the United
Nations(Feb 2,1968).
 1969- Indian Space Research
Organization formed under Dept. of
Atomic Energy(Aug 15,1969).
 1972- Space Commission and Dept. of
Space set up(Jun 1,1972). ISRO
brought under DOS.

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