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What is Virtual Reality?

• Virtual Reality (VR) is the use of
computer technology to create a
simulated environment. Unlike
traditional user interfaces, VR places the
user inside an experience. Instead of
viewing a screen in front of them, users
are immersed and able to interact with
3D worlds. By simulating as many
senses as possible, such as vision,
hearing, touch, even smell, the computer
is transformed into a gatekeeper to this
artificial world. The only limits to near-
real VR experiences are the availability
of content and cheap computing power.
• As of the end of 2018, the three
best selling Virtual Reality
headsets were Sony’s
PlayStation VR (PSVR),
Facebook’s Oculus Rift and the
HTC Vive. This was not a
surprise, seeing as the same
three HMDs had also been best
sellers in 2017. 2019 sees the
VR landscape broadening with
Google, HP, Lenovo, and others
looking to grab a piece of the
still-burgeoning market.
• ( Retrieved on Aug. 22,2019 from :
gy&oq=VR+te&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j1&clients )
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Ballogan, Mhia
• Pictures taken from: Claire
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• Maurera, Jemylee

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